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福林德斯夫人决定让人给她画肖像。Mrs Flinders decided to have her portrait painted.

弗林德斯太太决心请人给她画幅肖像画。Mrs. Flinders decided to have her portrait painted.

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弗林德斯保留住了他的文件,带回了悉尼。Flinders saved his papers, and brought them back to Sydney.

弗林德斯街站是墨尔本市郊铁路的枢纽。Flinders Street Station, hub of Melbourne's suburban railways.

马修。佛林德斯发现并由他来命名的,她是澳大利亚第三大岛。Matthew Flinders in 1802, the island is Australia's third largest.

在弗林德斯,您会找到美丽的海滩、葡萄酒庄和高尔夫球场。In Flinders , you'll find great beaches, wineries and golf courses.

这是弗林德斯大学神经科学中心的网站。This is the website of The Centre for Neuroscience, Flinders University.

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几近完成的海岸线地图于1814年由弗林德斯发表。A nearly completed map of the coastline was published by Flinders in 1814.

在驶往巴斯海峡的途中,弗林德斯遇到了一只由法国探险队。As Flinders sailed down towards Bass Strait he met with a French expedition, under M.

计划还包括,从芬林得岛出口塔斯玛尼亚沙袋鼠产品。They also included the export of Tasmanian pademelon wallaby products from Flinders Island.

这项研究是由澳大利亚的福林德大学的一组研究人员做的。This study was conducted by a team of researchers from the Flinders University in Australia.

袋鼠岛由玛休。富林德斯船长在1802发现并命名,这是澳大利亚的第三大岛。Discovered and named by Capt. Matthew Flinders in 1802, the island is Australia's third largest.

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对于南澳大利亚弗林德斯猎区的人们来说,红色来源于野狗喉咙的血。To the class of the Flinders Ranges in South Australia, red comes from the blood of a dingo's throat.

接下来的一年,弗林德斯继续为英王陛下工作,他的军衔也升到了中尉。Flinders remained in His Majesty's service, and in the following year was raised to the rank of lieutenant.

墨尔本弗林德斯与斯旺斯顿街上的联邦广场是为纪念澳大利亚建国100周年建立的。Federation Square on Flinders and Swanston Streets, Melbourne, commemorates Australia's 100 years as a nation.

加利福尼亚理工学院的地质学家蒂姆•儒伯在弗林德斯山脉寻找这些坠石。Tim Raub, a geologist at the Californian Institute of Technology, hunts for these drop stones at the Flinders Range.

来自墨尔本弗林德斯河大学的研究者相信,当我们渴求某种食物的时候,会同时在头脑中浮现出食物的样子。The researchers, from Melbourne's Flinders University believe that when we crave a food we draw a mental picture of it.

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故事从一个神秘的事物开始。在南澳大利亚干旱的弗林德斯山脉,古代岩石层夹杂这不寻常的石头。The story begins with a mystery. In the arid Flinders Ranges in Southern Australia, layers of ancient rock hold unusual stones.

据2005年澳大利亚弗林德斯大学做的研究表明,有密友的老年人很可能会长寿。When older adults have close confidants, they're likely to live longer, according to a 2005 study conducted by Australia's Flinders University.

坐落在弗林德斯北部的南澳大利亚洲的范围内,由于地球构造力的推动珊瑚礁已经由最初的水平位置旋转了90度。Located in the North Flinders Range of South Australia, the reef has been turned 90 degrees skyward from its original horizontal position by the earth's tectonic forces.