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职业作家?A professional writer?

他是一个专业歌唱演员。He is a professional singer.

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他的工作专业性很强。His work is very professional.

她是职业演员。She is a professional actress.

选用正规的用户名。Choose a professional username.

他是一个精晓本职工作的人。He is a professional at his job.

他是一个职业足球运动员。He is a professional foot baller.

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你是职业的马拉松运动吗?Are you a professional marathoner?

现在他是职业队的吗?Is he on a professional team now ?

这是敬业精神的一部分。That's part of being professional.

不,她是职业登山运动员。Yes, she's a professional climber.

有个性,但要职业化。Be personal, but stay professional.

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他业务水平怎么样?How good is his professional skill?

拍一张职业的炤片。Get a professional photograph taken.

中高档专业摄影包。In the high-end Professional Camera.

我弟弟是一个职业画家。My brother is a professional drawer.

那样显得很专业。That really looks professional.

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这是一个职业硕士学位。This is a professional master degree.

职业画家在干什么?What are professional painters doing?

狄克逊非常老练地笑了一声。Dixon gave a quite professional laugh.