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子产笑了,“这里我说了算。Zi Chan smiled, "I am the boss here.

子产笑了,“这里我说了算。Zi Chan smiled, "I am the boss here."

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曾子是孔子的一个学生。Zeng Zi was one of Confucius' disciples.

修成后从自贡到荣县仅半小时车程。Repair, half an hour from Zi Gong to Rong County.

孔子的忧虑,全让子贡看在眼里。Zi Gong detected Confucius's worry from his face.

子贡看见这样的行径,大不以为然。Looking at it, Zi Gong felt it was out of convenance.

一天孔子出门,让子路准备雨具。One day the master go out, to prepare zi lu rain gear.

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然后一鼓作气打造曼妙身姿。Then a drum annoy to create soft and charming body Zi.

子贡觉得这些人不可理喻,因此就回去了。Zi Gong felt that they were irrational so he went back.

京族是我国的一个渔业民族。Jing, Shi, Zi to Ji, the last of which is his specialty.

他向他的好友杜新子请教这个问题。He passed the question to Xin Du Zi, a friend of Yang Zi.

孔子的忧虑,全让子贡看在眼里。After class, Zi Gong found a chance to see Confucius alone.

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孔子出世时,他的家族已经破落贫贱了。When Kong Zi is born, his family already declined is lowly.

饺子看起来像金元宝,意味来年丰衣足食。Jiao Zi looks like gold coin, implying a wealthy year ahead.

谢谢你们为我做的一切,千言万语尽在不言中…William, zi hann and jacky i'm so happy working with all ofu.

公输子非常欣赏自己这件得意的作品。Gongshu Zi greatly appreciated this excellent work of his own.

明子却误解那是静恩的女儿。Ming zi is static grace but misunderstanding that the daughter.

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一天晚上,难马结识了一名喝醉酒的女子荣子。A day night, difficult Ma Jie knew Rong Zi of woman of a gassed.

但杨柳的丰姿,便在烟雾里也辨得出。But the plentiful Zi of willow, then in the smoke also Bian get.

草地上,唧唧织织的草蜢不时在旁和声高唱。On the grass, grasshoppers singing near by them with gi gi zi zi.