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除了他的死能去消解成就我怒中所定的。Nothing but his death can slake my anger.

我认为迪克对权力的贪欲永远不会得到满足。I don't think dick will ever manage to slake his lust for power.

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我不会找一口井来消除内心强烈的渴望。I shall not seek a well to slake the burning thirst of my heart.

我到这片水边的主要目的当然是解渴了。My first act on coming to this water was, of course, to slake my thirst.

他们把这些事件的录像邮寄给那些准备为了信仰而献身的年轻人们。They post slake internet video to the young man prepared to kill themselves for their faith.

采用系统脱敏法能降低和消除焦虑情绪。The systematic desensitization, as basic way of behavior thereby, helps get rid of and slake the anxiety.

在一个闷热的午后,你会发现一对长长的人在饮水处,等着解渴。On a sultry afternoon you may find a long line of people at the drinking fountain, waiting to slake their thirst.

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本文提出的新型大功率混合直流接触器由闭合弹跳电弧消除电路、分断电弧消除电路和接触器本身组成。In this paper, a new high power hybrid DC contactor is researched to slake the effect of arc for the application in the railway.

这些技术都取得了一定的加速效果,缩短了溶解时间,一定程度上减小了熟化罐的体积。These techniques of accetating the dissolution achieve certain effect, cutting short dissolution time, decreasing the volume of slake spot partly.

在机场我先买了几罐菠罗汁解渴,之后就同我那帮稀稀拉拉的武士们一起飞往马绍尔群岛的夸贾林岛。At the field I bought several cans of pineapple juice to slake my thirst and took off with my unkempt warriors for Kwajalein in the Marshall Islands.

本文对风干的红砂岩粗粒土及饱水红砂岩粗粒土路堤填料进行了CBR试验、耐崩解试验、压缩试验和剪切试验。The CBR test, slake durability test, compressing test and shearing test of the dry and wet redstone granular soil samples were respectively carried out in this paper.

即便是科罗拉多河也无法满足像凤凰城、洛杉矶和圣地亚哥一类大都市的用水需求,然而这个事实也诡异地证明了胡佛水坝的成功。In an odd way, the fact that even the Colorado can no longer slake the thirst of metropolises such as Phoenix, Los Angeles and San Diego is testimony to the dam's success.

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且含有丰富的维生素C,有清凉降火、生津止渴的功效,可以用来冲泡茶和制作饮料,其味酸。It is rich in vitamin C, and has an efficiency of reducing pathogenic fire and helping produce saliva and slake thirst. It can be used to brew tea and make drinks with its sour flavor.

他说,顶著最炎热天气又没有清凉麦芽啤酒可消暑的该镇居民,只得长途跋涉一百二十公里到距离最近的纳拉金镇找酒解渴。Forced to sweat through some of the country's hottest conditions without a cooling ale, residents have driven the 120km to Nullagine — its nearest neighbor — to slake their thirst, he said.