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科学家们跟踪观察研究了76只猕猴长达20年之久。Scientists tracked 76 rhesus monkeys for as long as 20 years.

目的对发生嵌闭性疝的猕猴,采用疝手术治疗法挽救其生命。Objective To perform hernioplasty to save the life of Rhesus monkey.

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那个地区生长的最多的猴子为恒河猴。The more common monkey that lives in that part of the world is a rhesus monkey.

实验饲养的家兔、大白鼠、小白鼠和广西猕猴为阴性。It was negative in experimental animals such as rabbits, rats, mice, and rhesus monkeys.

目的研究恒河猴睾丸的激素分泌及其调节作用。Objective The regulation of hormonal secretion in dispersed Leydig cell of rhesus monkey.

在对减压缺氧的恒河猴行为观察中,发现青兰可明显改善猴的缺氧状态。It obviously ameliorated the symptoms of acute hypoxia in Rhesus monkey under decompression.

首先,研究者们对一群恒河猴进行训练,让它们记住几对任意选取的符号。First, the researchers trained a group of rhesus monkeys to remember arbitrary pairs of symbols.

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结论1.用吗啡小剂量注射能够诱发大鼠和恒河猴的心理依赖行为。Small dosage injection of morphine can induce psychological dependence in rats and rhesus monkeys.

川金丝猴和猕猴用于理毛的时间多于熊猴。Compared to Assamese macaques, the golden monkey and rhesus macaques devoted more time to grooming.

在北卡罗来纳州的实验室,研究人员先在跑步机上训练一只猕猴直立行走。In their lab in North Carolina, the researchers trained a rhesus monkey to walk upright on a treadmill.

目的确立一种对恒河猴群个体的遗传物质进行准确可靠、快速简便的遗传检测方法。Objective In order to set up an accurate and convenient method for genetic assessment of macaca rhesus.

在1964年的一项研究中,朱尔斯·梅瑟曼和他的同事们进行了一项不同的实验,这次也是用恒河猴来做的。In a 1964 study, Jules Maserman and his colleagues ran a different experiment, again with rhesus monkeys.

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关于这些神经元的认识大多来自对恒河猴的电极记录实验。Most of what is known about these neurons comes from electrode recording experiments with rhesus monkeys.

研究所用的恒河猴被认为是人类药瘾者的良好模型。The research was conducted in rhesus monkeys, which are considered an excellent model of human drug users.

对恒河猴的一项独立研究发现,雄性更喜欢带轮子的玩具而雌性则喜欢长毛绒的玩具。A separate study on rhesus monkeys found that males preferred wheeled toys while females went for plush ones.

目的诊断、治疗及控制我所实验恒河猴猴群暴发的细菌性痢疾。Objective To diagnose, cure and control an outbreak of bacillary dysentery in laboratory rhesus monkey colony.

口服OPV后恒河猴粪便中均可分离到3个型的疫苗病毒。After being immunized with OPV, 3 types′ Sabin polioviruses could be isolated from the stool of Rhesus monkeys.

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与此形成对照的是,容易形成艾滋病的人类和恒河猴的树突状细胞很容易被HIV和SIV激活。In contrast, the easy form of human AIDS and rhesus monkeys dendritic cells can easily be activated HIV and SIV.

但是,批评家们并不准备接受猕猴研究证明了低卡饮食适用于灵长类生物这一说法。Critics, however, are not yet ready to accept that the rhesus study proves caloric restriction works in primates.

研究近视性光学离焦对幼恒河猴正视化过程的影响。Objective To investigate the influence of myopic optical defocus on the emmetropization of infant rhesus monkeys.