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史密斯先生是位优秀的声乐家。Mr. Smith is an excellent vocalist.

斯蒂芬先生是位优秀的声乐家。Mr. Steffen is an excellent vocalist.

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他是一个惊人的歌手,他不用坚果舞台上。He's an amazing vocalist and he goes nuts on stage.

是拥有少数金属乐队女子主唱之一。It is one of the few metal bands with a female vocalist.

1932年泰特姆同歌手阿德莱德·霍尔来到纽约。In 1932, Tatum traveled to New York with vocalist Adelaide Hall.

你不认为夜愿的歌手应该是个唱歌剧的吗?Don't you think that the vocalist of NW should be an opera singer?

为了答谢热情的掌声,那个歌唱家又唱了一曲。In appreciation of the enthusiastic applause, the vocalist sang an encore.

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该剧本的作者是平克弗洛伊德主唱和贝斯手罗杰沃特斯。The screenplay was written by Pink Floyd vocalist and bassist Roger Waters.

她是一位天才作曲家和安排,以及非凡的歌手。She is a gifted composer and arranger, as well as an extraordinary vocalist.

1995年,埃米莉和玛蒂成功接纳梅因斯作为主唱歌手加入了"南方…In 1995, Emily and Martie successfully recruited Maines to become lead vocalist for the Dixie Chicks.

我想成为著名的,就像他们,但要被称为不只是作为一个声乐家,但作为一个作家。I wanted to be famous just like them, but wanted to be known not just as a vocalist , but as a writer.

主唱阿信在今年也获得了最佳作词人奖的提名。Vocalist Ah-Xin was also nominated for the Best Lyrics Writer prize at this year's Golden Melody Awards.

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四岁时他创始了“杰克逊五兄弟”乐团,不久脱颖而出成为乐团的主唱与头面人物。He was a founder-member of the Jackson Five at the age of four, soon becoming their lead vocalist and front-man.

三年前,她是第一次住进了歌手蒙克爵士乐学院性能。Three years earlier, she was the first-ever vocalist admitted to the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz Performance.

阿拉尼斯在读高中时就已经取得了白金唱片销量,并获得了朱诺最具潜力的女歌手奖。While still in high school, Alanis already had a platinum album and a Juno Award for Most Promising Female Vocalist.

有26人参加了歌唱大赛,其中有6位俄罗斯祖母,还有76岁的英国声乐家英格柏·汉普汀克。Among the 26 contenders, there are six Russian grandmothers and the 76-year-old British vocalist Engelbert Humperdinck.

锋利的眼睛将捕捉到福音贝斯手莫里斯杰拉德和坎贝尔上升歌手杰西偶然信贷。The sharp eye will catch the occasional credit to Gospel bassist Maurice Fitzgerald and rising vocalist Jesse Campbell.

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绣云见丈夫遇害,痛哭失声,更因失神而中了紫麟一记重招。See her husband was killed with clouds, tears, because of absence and more in the purple vocalist a record heavy recruit.

一年之后,他成为最为年轻的1999金曲奖年度最佳制作人和最佳男演唱人奖。A years later he became the youngest Best Producer of the Year and Best Male Vocalist at the Golden Melody Awards of 1999.

王力宏再次被评为“最佳制作人”,在2004年及“最佳男歌手2006年度”金曲奖委员会。Leehom was awarded again " The Best Producer" in 2004 and "The Best Male Vocalist" in 2006 by Golden Melody Award Committee.