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小苗均已埋植了。Young plants were heeled in.

他用脚后跟碰了碰我,于是我就不再说了。He heeled me, so I didn't say.

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他像狗一样紧跟在他妻子的身后。He heeled after his wife as a dog.

船在暴风雨中倾侧了。The boat heeled over in the storm.

我要叫人给鞋子换鞋底和鞋跟。I'm having my shoes soled and heeled.

船受强风吹袭倾“侧”了。The boat heeled over in a strong wind.

舒服的低跟鞋子最好了。Low- heeled comfortable shoes are best.

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这双高跟鞋让我脚痛。These high heeled shoes are hurting me.

坡跟凉鞋搭配短裤看起来效果也很棒。And heeled espadrilles even look great with shorts.

他用脚后跟着地悄无声息地走过走廊进了厨房。He quietly heeled over the passage into the kitchen.

她会穿很高的高跟鞋吗?她会穿裤子还是短裙?Did she wear really high heeled shoes and pants, or a skirt.

场地更加现代,坐席更加舒适,观众也更愿意掏钱。Stadiums are newer, seats are comfier and the crowd is better heeled.

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她独特的风格特别受富裕的度假顾客的欢迎。Her unique style proved especially popular with well- heeled resort patrons.

那些寡妇们只是吵吵嚷嚷,闹着要见识见识时髦的新式高跟鞋的款式而已。The widows merely clamoured for a sketch of the fashionable new high- heeled shoes.

炮门大开使得船在风中挣扎时灌进来大量海水,这也是一个致命的原因。The open gunports shipped water when the ship heeled in the wind, and it developed a fatal list.

如果一双旧鞋还可以再补,或打一个前掌或后跟的话,就没有必要买新鞋。A new pair of shoes was not necessary if the old ones could be restitched7, halfsoled8 or heeled.

穿高跟鞋会减少足跟部与地面接触,使跟腱长时间处于紧张状态。High- heeled shoes will reduce the heel contact with the ground so long strained Achilles tendon.

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工作时不得穿着高跟鞋、露趾鞋、坡跟鞋、厚跟鞋、拖鞋或网球鞋。Do not wear high heeled or open toe shoes wedges platform soles moccasins or tennis shoes while working.

上校把香烟扔在了地板上,用后脚跟碾灭,随后抓起照片放在自己的胸前。Captain chucked the cigarette on the floor and heeled it out. Then he took the photo and put it on his chest.

正确。但是你看看胸罩,高跟鞋,有太多的故事告诉我们女人永远是向美丽的事物妥协。Correct. But you see bars, high heeled shoes, we have too many stories that women always yield to beautiful things.