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而肿瘤起源于胸内膈神经是罕见的。However, tumors originating from the intrathoracic phrenic nerve are rare.

目的为临床诊断胸内结节病减少误诊误治提供依据。Objective To highlight the diagnosis and treatment of intrathoracic sarcoidosis.

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所见的胸内淋巴结用ATS方法进行分组。The intrathoracic lymph nodes were grouped according to the ATS nodal classification.

此次超声检查发现膈疝和胸腔内的囊性团块。Ultrasound investigation revealed diaphragmatic hernia with intrathoracic cystic mass.

提出胸内淋巴结结核的诊断要点。And the diagnostic criterion for intrathoracic tuberculosis of lymph nodes were recommended.

目的探索一种测量豚鼠胸内压的新方法。Objective To establish a new technique for measurement of intrathoracic pressure in guinea-pigs.

我们报告一例罕见的胸内恶性周边神经鞘肿瘤并第一型神经纤维瘤病。We report a rare case of intrathoracic MPNST with rapid recurrence and growth, as presented in a NF-1 patient.

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方法回顾性分析有明确病理诊断的23例胸内结节病患者的临床资料。Methods Clinical data of 23 cases with intrathoracic sarcoidosis confirmed pathologically were retrospectively analyzed.

在这项研究中我们回顾性评估在肺切除术后综合征患者行胸腔内组织膨胀器的疗效。In this study we retrospectively evaluated the effectiveness of intrathoracic tissue expansion in postpneumonectomy syndrome.

胸内肿瘤完全摘除2例,大部分切除2例,肿瘤并肺叶切除2例。Two intrathoracic tumors were completely resected, 2 partially resected, tumor and the involved lung were removed in 2 cases.

移除支架之后所进行的手术操作的目的是稳定胸内气管和主支气管的膜壁。The surgical procedure, following stent removal, aimed to stabilize the membranous wall of the intrathoracic trachea and mainstream bronchi.

多项研究认为在评估前负荷上胸腔内血容量指数要优于中心静脉压。Several studies suggest that intrathoracic blood volume index might be superior to central venous pressure with regard to preload assessment.

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目的探讨中西医结合疗法治疗老年人心脑血管栓塞对开展普胸外治疗的影响。Objective To investigate the infect of treatment of block of heart and head in intrathoracic surgery used Chinese medicine and Western medicine.

右侧锁骨上淋巴结引流肺部、纵隔淋巴液,是胸内病变尤其是肺和食管的信号。Right-sided supraclavicular nodes drain parts of the lung and mediastinum and are signals of intrathoracic lesions, particularly in the lung and esophagus.

结论常规应用中西医结合治疗基础疾病,为老年患者开展普胸外科手术治疗提供可行性。Conclusions To treat basic diseases used Chinese medicine and Western medicine generally can give feasibility in developing intrathoracic surgery of elders.

这项研究总结了我们运用闭合性可取出食管支架治疗医源性食管穿孔的经验。This investigation summarizes our experiences treating iatrogenic intrathoracic perforations of the esophagus using an occlusive removable esophageal stent.

结论CT对于胸廓内甲状腺病变的诊断有一定价值,但对于甲状腺肿、甲状腺腺瘤及甲状腺癌之间的鉴别缺乏特征性。Conclusion CT had certain value in diagnosing intrathoracic thyroid masses. But it lacked specification in distinguishing among thyroid goiter, thyroid adenoma and thyroid carcinoma.

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目的评价食管癌根治胃代食管术中附加幽门成形预防术后移植胸胃排空障碍的作用。Objective To evaluate the function of pyloroplasty performed during radical resection of esophageal carcinoma and esophagogastrostomy to prevent delayed emptying of intrathoracic stomach.

因为正压通气会提高胸内压,减少静脉回流,进而减少心脑血液灌注。Any form of positive-pressure ventilation is deleterious during cardiac arrest because the increase in intrathoracic pressure decreases venous return to the heart and perfusion of the heart and brain.