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这很难精确说明。Hard to say precisely.

我不太清楚具体原因I don't know precisely why.

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那恰好是我的观点。That was precisely my own view.

那个人调得很准。The man adjusted very precisely.

那正符合我们的需要。That answers precisely to our need.

在空中,准确地说是在阿波罗号上。In the air, precisely in the Apollo on.

我在下一节精确地这一操作。I do precisely that in the next section.

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它必须不差毫厘地对准猴子。It must be precisely aimed at the monkey.

结对编程为您提供的刚好就是这一点。Pair programming gives you precisely that.

这样就能使时间非常精确。That allows it to keep time very precisely.

然而这恰恰是事情有意思的地方。But that’s precisely what is so interesting.

那恰恰是我不想让你做的。That's precisely what I don't want you to do.

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Faye说这也正是他所希望的。That is precisely what Mr. Faye says he wants.

是一致的。It is partaking of precisely the same activity.

国防工业实行军民结合、平战结合。To connect or combine precisely or harmoniously.

正正显示人类情绪如何影响价格。show precisely how human emotions affect prices.

它就是一壶酒刚好倒满八只酒杯。The flagon contains precisely eight cups of wine.

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那该死的阿尔贝托正好是该杀的人,他就是其中一个。This Alberto is precisely that type, one of them.

不确定的是它将以怎样的形式出现。What's uncertain is precisely how it will emerge.

焦虑指的是虚无,准确的说是“非任何事物”。Anxiety refers to nothing , precisely to no-thing.