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好好冲洗水桶。Give the pail a good swill.

否则汝必后悔!Otherwise, you swill regret.

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你涮奶锅了吗?Do you swill out the milkpan?

你肯定喂了它们剩饭残羹这类东西了吧?。You fed them swill and such stuff?

你肯定喂了它们剩饭残羹这类东西了吧?。You feed them swill and such stuff?

别把茶叶冲到水槽里。Don't swill the tealeaves out into the sink.

贻误了一步,它的,你怎么说英语,泔水。Bungle a step and it's, how do you say in English, swill.

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因此,一杯清爽适口又芬芳的麦芽啤酒在太空里可能尝起来就像腐坏的泔水。Therefore, a crisp, flavorsome ale on Earth may taste like stale swill in space.

并针对厦门市泔水处理的现状以及管理和处置对策进行研究。The status quo of swill treatment and management and disposal countermeasures in Xiamen were studied.

纽约奶制品公司明知它们的牛奶不安全仍然这么干,时间长达几十年。In the case of swill milk, New York dairymen had been informed for decades that their milk was unsafe.

为了实现这一点,所有半兽人演员在拍摄每个镜头之前都要用一种甘草精漱口剂漱口。To achieve this, the Orc actors had to swill a liquorice-based mouthwash prior to each of their scenes.

在垃圾奶的案例中,纽约牛奶工人的奶被警告不安全则持续了几十年。In the case of swill milk, the New York dairymen had been informed for decades that their milk was unsafe.

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文件称,河长的职责包括水资源保护、水污染防治和修复水生态等。Responsibilities swill include water resource protection, pollution prevention and control, andecological restoration.

树脂是有孔的,这意味着细菌可以进入这些瓶子,你没喝一口这种水,就是咽下一口杂菌污染的细菌培养基。And because the plastic is porous, you'll likely get a swill of harmful bacteria with each gulp if you reuse the bottles.

她们在战俘营的门外正为如何进去发愁时,从战俘营里由几个日兵押着拉出一个泔水车。In their camp is worried about how to get in at the door, from prison camps by the soldiers detain a few days with out a swill.

由于疾病暴发的威胁,如口蹄疫,许多国家禁止泔水作为牲畜的饲料来源。Swill is banned as a feed source to livestock in many countries, due to its threat to disease outbreaks such as foot and mouth.

学生们将组成更小规模的小组通过集体合作解决问题,这样学生的沟通能力就会随之提升。Students swill sit in smaller groups and work collectively to solve problems, all the while improving upon their communication skills.

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双方将签署一个总结访问成果的政治文件以及关于经贸领域的双边合作文件。The two sides swill sign a political document on the results of the visit and document on the bilateral trade and economic cooperation.

接下来,就请期待看到她在失控地狂饮香槟和狂吞巧克力面包的同时狂减体重,并且毫无疑问地得到男士们青睐的故事吧。Expect to see her swill Champagne and chow down on pain au chocolat while the weight magically comes off and the men, no doubt, come running.

中国现在发生的灾难跟19世纪在纽约持续了几十年的“泔水奶”丑闻非常相似。The disaster unfolding now in China is similar to the "swill milk" scandal that rumbled on in New York for several decades of the 19th century.