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看看他,粗糙的人造钻石。Look at him, a rhinestone in the rough.

性感薄纱内裤,背后有人造钻石环扣设计。SILK THONG With rhinestone circle trim at rear.

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淡水珍珠和水钻由股线编织成的手链。Freshwater pearl and rhinestone strand interwoven with thread.

很喜欢这个人造钻石项链,它给简单的造型增添了一点小华丽。Love the rhinestone necklace, it give the simple style a little glamour.

你亦可以选择你的心爱银制、硞石及八心八箭饰物。You might also select your favourite from our silver, rhinestone or CUPID accessories.

卡米尔离合器密封编织皮革处理简单格南和一个醒目的水钻。The Camille clutch seals the deal on simple-glam with woven leather and an eye-catching rhinestone.

有些孩子鄙笑起来,当她发现一个缺了几颗人造钻石的手镯。Someofthe children startedtolaugh when she found a rhinestone bracelet with some of thestonesmissing.

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拿出你的抱枕,在上面系上节日彩带,如果中间能再别上亮闪闪的装饰别针就更完美了!Take your throw pillows and tie them with holiday colored ribbons, Add a rhinestone pin for an extra kick!

拿出你的抱枕,在上面系上节日彩带,如果两头能再别上亮闪闪的粉饰别针就更完满了!Take your throw pillows and tie them with holiday colored ribbons. Add a rhinestone pin for an extra kick!

如果她可能戴冕妆头饰或者是莱茵石项链搭配的话,穿着白色礼服通常是十分合适的!It usually is really worth being dressed in a white attire if she might possibly use a tiara or rhinestone necklace with it!

泽尔米勒,格鲁吉亚副州长,一次到专门出售钻套装,靴子和牛仔帽的商店。ZELL MILLER, the lieutenant governor of Georgia , went to a shop that specialized in rhinestone suits, boots and cowboy hats.

不论你是要寻找一份新的工作还是想买一个小水晶猴垂饰,到因特网上搜索相关信息需要的不仅仅是一个简单的关键词。Whether you're looking for a new job or a rhinestone monkey pendant, searching the Internet for it may require more than a simple keyword.

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严琦上身一件白色衬衫,外罩黑色夹克,下身配黑色短裙和黑色长筒袜,脚蹬水钻搭扣的黑色漆皮高跟鞋,一头长发用一根粉色发带束在脑后。She was wearing a black jacket over a white blouse, a short black skirt, black hose, and patent-leather black heels with rhinestone buckles.

凯莉的系列收藏包括吊坠,水晶蝴蝶耳坠,皮毛绒面靴,莱茵石凉鞋和缠绕链子的尼龙靴。Careys collection features items like pendants, crystal butterfly earrings, fur-trimmed suede boots, rhinestone sandals and chain-wrapped nylon boots.

凯莉的系列收藏包括吊坠,水晶蝴蝶耳坠,皮毛绒面靴,莱茵石凉鞋和缠绕链子的尼龙靴。Carey's collection features items like pendants, crystal butterfly earrings, fur-trimmed suede boots, rhinestone sandals and chain-wrapped nylon boots.

里面是一只莱茵石手镯,其中的一些石珠已经缺失,以及一瓶只剩下四分之一的香水。Some of the children started to laugh when she found a rhinestone bracelet with some of the stones missing, and a bottle that was one quarter full of perfume.

经过不懈的努力,已成功开发出数控皮革冲孔机、自动刷钻机、全自动压纹机、钉珠机等一系列高新设备产品。After unremitting efforts, we have been successfully produced the mechanical leather punching machine, automatic rhinestone setting machine, knurling machine, pearl fixing machine, etc.

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过分浓烈的颜色,华而不实的莱茵石纽扣,锃亮的漆皮皮带,还有早已过时的蓬起的裙摆,然而,我怎么能对妈妈说,那是我见过的最难看的裙子呢?How could I tell Mom it was the most hideous dress I had ever seen? The too-intense colors, the gaudy rhinestone buttons, the shiny patent leather belt, the hopelessly out-of-style billowy skirt.