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他那始终如一的耐性、好脾气、奉献精神等。His unfailing Patience, good humour, devotion, etc.

上主,求你忆及你的仁慈和恩爱,因为它们由亘古以来就常存在。Remember your compassion, O Lord, your unfailing love from of old.

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耶和华阿,求你使我们得见你的慈爱,又将你的救恩赐给我们。Show us your unfailing love, O Lord , and grant us your salvation.

你们要为自己栽种公义、就能收割慈爱。Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love.

孔氏宗族作为一个完备家族的典型,历经千年,经久不衰。Confucius clan as a complete clan's model, after millennium, unfailing.

试炼得恩助,危难有赖,无限的体谅,不死的爱。Grace for the trials, help from above, Unfailing sympathy, undying love.

康德的物自体学说是康德研究中一个经久不衰的课题。Kant's theory of things in themselves is an unfailing question for study.

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人多述说自己的仁慈.但忠信人谁能遇著呢。Many a man claims to have unfailing love, but a faithful man who can find?

谨此宣布﹔毫无保留地,底地憎恨把英文写得半生不熟的同事。I hereby declare unfailing hatred of colleagues who writehalf-baked English.

耶和华阿,求你照着我们所仰望你的,向我们施行慈爱。May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord , even as we put our hope in you.

作为回报,它们给予我们无条件的爱,还有往往是无限的忠诚。In return, they offer their unconditional love and, often times, unfailing loyalty.

谨此宣布?我毫无保留地、彻底地憎恨把英文写得半生不熟的同事。I hereby declare my utter, unfailing hatred of colleagues who write half-baked English.

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你的老好人态度有没有把你变得拖拖拉拉,让你觉得自己像个殉道者?Is your unfailing availability makes you procrastinating, makes you feel like a martyr?

但愿人因耶和华的慈爱,和他向人所行的奇事都称赞他。Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men.

对此不幸误会,同仁等深以为憾,谨对先生再申敬佩之忱,并致谢意。We can only deeply regret this unfortunate misunderstanding, and assure you of our unfailing regard.

他诚恳地悔罪,请求神按其永不止息的慈爱继续怜恤他。He sincerely repents and pleads that God will continue to show mercy according to his unfailing love.

尽管师父意识到他们的缺点,还是在他们面前表现出自己无穷尽的爱与慈悲。But the Master showed them his unfailing love and kindness, though he was aware of their shortcomings.

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日月更替,亘古不变,就好比那无尽大海的潮涨潮落。Days and nights come up and go down with unfailing regularity, like the ebb and low of an infinite ocean.

在最近一次会谈中居间调停的是联合国秘书长潘基文。U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who mediated this latest round of negotiations, is an unfailing optimist.

他们对他那种不怕艰苦的精神和勇气,以及他那种始终不懈的虔诚,都称赞得无以复加。They had no words high enough to praise his energy and courage under all hardships, and his unfailing devotion.