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辣椒酱挑逗味觉。Chilli sauce can titillate our palates.

辣椒酱可以挑逗我们的味觉。Chilli sauce can titillate our palates.

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它的时间去寻找一种撩拨流。It's time to find the kind titillate the flow.

就继续挑逗这小家伙,依然没有动静。You continue to titillate the kid, still have no action.

上口和耐人寻味的,他们惊喜,撩拨的想象力。Both catchy and intriguing, they surprise and titillate the imagination.

光芒撩拨起恋人们的心弦,犹如感到激情澎湃。Such rays which titillate lovers' hearts and provoke passionate feelings.

这屏幕的下方,多幅的画面似乎有诱惑着买家的好奇心。On the lower screen, a collection of scenes are shown to titillate viewers' curiosity.

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外包装及瓶身摆脱了过往的设计,创造了令人难忘的新惊喜,以浑圆的瓶身愉悦视物感觉,桃红包装来挑逗感官。Packaging and departs from past design, creating memorable new surprises to chubby body cheerful visual, pink packing to titillate senses.

那些雅皮士少年,包括我的孩子在内,都不必等到夏天到来便可享受到无花果那具有异国情调的美味。Yuppie children, mine among them, do not have to wait for the arrival of summer to titillate their palates with the exotic sensuality of figs.

只要你记载的事迹不要变成纯粹为了娱乐大众写的一箩筐卑贱谎言,也许你所写的传会有些优点,瓦罗。So long as your tale does not turn into some tawdry bundle of lies existing solely to titillate the common reader, perhaps your relation of 's tale will have some merit, Volo.

一些春宫画作品,以”枕边书“的名义发给新婚夫妇作为床地之欢的指导书,但这些作品的主要功用还是在于撩拨人们的情愫。Some collections of artwork, termed 'pillow books' were given to newly married couples as instruction guides, but the main purpose of the artwork does appear to have been to titillate.

一些春宫画作品,以”枕边书“的名义发给新婚夫妇作为床地之欢的指导书,但这些作品的主要功用还是在于撩拨人们的情愫。Some collections of artwork, termed ‘pillow books’ were given to newly married couples as instruction guides, but the main purpose of the artwork does appear to have been to titillate.