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而最可贵的,在这里。But rarest of all, here.

地球上最稀有的元素砹。On Earth rarest element astatine.

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据悉,这种名为睡鼠的哺乳动物是最稀有野生物种之一。The mammals are some of the rarest in the wild.

他是执法人员里很少见的…And he was the rarest breed of iaw enforcement officer.

比如,小头鼠海豚是世界上最珍贵的海洋哺乳动物。Forexample, vaquita is the world's rarest marine mammal.

大熊猫是世界上最罕见的动物之一。Giant pandas are one of the rarest animals in the world.

埃塞俄比亚狼为什么会成为地球上最濒危的狼呢?。Why is the Ethiopian wolf the rarest canid on the planet?

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在让人民放心的预言家中,莫内特是最少见的。Monnet was that rarest of all prophets who put people at ease.

高黎贡山的森林是中国部分珍稀动物的家园。The forests of Gaoligongshan are home to some of China's rarest wildlife.

最为少见的组合就是白头加白身。The rarest combination is the white-bodied dog with a white head as well.

“生活”是个稀罕玩意儿,大部分人只是“生存”在这世上,如此而已。To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.

卵巢绒癌是最罕见的妇科恶性肿瘤。Ovarian choriocarcinoma is one of the rarest gynecologic malignant tumors.

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他为人正直,连批评他的人也佩服他三分,在当代政治家中实属罕见。He was that rarest of statesmen, one whose integrity disarms even his critics.

加利福尼亚秃鹰是世界上最罕见和最濒危的鸟类之一。The California Condor is among the rarest and most imperiled birds in the world.

翼宽只有4厘米,它是英国蓝蝶中最大与最稀少的。With a wingspan of only 4cm, it's the largest and rarest British blue butterfly.

只在很少的情况,这些书才会引起严重的、多余的伤害。In only the rarest of circumstances can books cause serious and unnecessary harm.

听到有关活体解剖的理智的讨论是世上最少有的一件事。It is the rarest thing in the world to hear a rational discussion o! vivisection.

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胶东半岛面临着一个历史上最难得的发展机遇。The Jiaodong peninsula is facing the rarest development opportunity in her history.

“南珠”产于广西合浦县,是世界上最名贵的珍珠。"South bead " originate in Guangxi Gepu county, it is the rarest pearl on the world.

我想骑在龙背上,驯服老虎,把最稀有的兰花拥在怀里。I wanted to ride the dragon's back, tame the tiger, hold in my arms the rarest orchid.