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14岁,安徒生前往哥本哈根。At 14, Andersen traveled to Copenhagen.

汉斯。埃迪森出生在鞋匠的家庭。Hans Andersen was born in a shoemaker's family.

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汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生是世界著名的童话作家。Hans Christian Andersen is a famous writer of fairy tales.

今天是“童话之父”安徒生去世136周年。Today is the 136 anniversary of Andersen , father of fairy tale.

现在,汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生当然是个家喻户晓的名字。Nowadays, of course, Hans Christian Andersen is a household name.

英格安德森在唱歌“小事”餐厅关闭伯克利街。Inga Andersen Singing At " Bagatelle" Restaurant Off Berkeley Street.

美人鱼是安徒生写的一个古老童话。Little Mermaid is an old fairytale written by Hans Christian Andersen.

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徒生去学一门手艺的王子此时已是国王了。The Prince who had told Andersen to learn a useful trade was now the King.

安徒生于1805年4月2日在丹麦欧登塞的一座一室房子内出生。Andersen was born in a one-room house in Odense , Denmark on April 2, 1805.

安徒生在周游列国时也写了游记。Andersen also wrote travelogs while he traveled through different countries.

有关安然的文件同样也被芝加哥的安达信合伙人所销毁。Enron-related documents also were destroyed by ANDERSEN partners in Chicago.

安徒生在周游列国时也写了游记。Andersen also wrote travelogs4 while he traveled through different countries.

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安徒生17岁时,皇家剧院的一位导演乔纳斯•科林注意到了他。Jonas Collin, a director of the Royal Theater, noticed Andersen when he was 17.

安徒生藉由帮一家当地的杂志撰写剧本和诗而开始他的写作生涯。Andersen began his writing career by writing plays and poems for a local journal.

安达信是美国“五大”会计事务所之一。ANDERSEN is one of the so-called "Big Five" accounting firms in the United States.

安徒生一生中曾向几位女士求过婚,却都遭到了拒绝。Andersen proposed to several women during his life and was rejected by all of them.

你会明白为什么汉斯克里森·安徒生把这个迷人的水道当成他自己的家。You'll understand why Hans Christian Andersen made this charming waterway his home.

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莫登安徒生扔了,双手在空中,然后一跃成为依偎在他的持有者。Morten Andersen threw both hands in the air, then leaped into the arms of his holder.

周一,保罗·沃尔克暗示说他对安达信已经不报多大的期望。The former Fed chief indicated Monday that he doesn't hold out much hope for Andersen.

市政厅对面右侧,是面对着趣伏里公园的安徒生雕像。On the right side, opposite of the City Hall, is the statue of Andersen in Tivoli Park.