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他在那儿,高大而可怕。Tall. Terrifying.

那部电影真恐怖。That movie was terrifying.

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你是否觉得这很恐怖?You think this is terrifying?

他在那儿,高大而可怕。He was there. Tall. Terrifying.

不过,正如本人前面所说,也是令人恐怖的。But it’s also, as I said, terrifying.

那部电影真够恐怖的。That movie was absolutely terrifying.

他记述了这一可怕的场景And he describes it and it's terrifying.

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真可怕。我大概会吓得尿裤子。Terrifying. I may well piss my breeches.

人质们遭受了极其可怕的折磨。The hostages suffered a terrifying ordeal.

也许他是可怕、刺戳的怪物。Probably he was a jabbing, terrifying monster.

在监狱里过一夜是一次极其可怕的经历。Spending a night in jail was a terrifying experience.

电视里可怕的场面吓得观众直发抖。The terrifying scene on TV made the audiences shudder.

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这是我从出生到现在经历过最可怕的事。This was, by far, the most terrifying event of my life.

布鲁斯挂了高速挡,开车速度快得令人害怕。Bruce engaged high gear and drove at a terrifying speed.

巨浪拍打在我们的身上,把我们吓得心惊胆颤。It was terrifying for us, as we were shaken by the waves.

如果你是一位”回避型帮助者“,这也许会让你感到惊恐万分。If you're an avoidance assister, this may feel terrifying.

在这个地球上,最可怕的力量大概就是复活。The most terrifying power on Earth is about to be re-born.

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山洪来势凶猛。The mountain torrents rushed down with a terrifying force.

他梦里充满了奇怪而又恐怖的幻想His dreams were peopled with strange, terrifying fantasies.

一切都是这么滑稽。不过,正如本人前面所说,也是令人恐怖的。It's all pretty funny. But it's also, as I said, terrifying.