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我们校医建议一年去看牙医两次。Our school doctor recommends a biannual visit to the dentist.

其中雕塑家获得双年展优异奖的作品亦是以贝为题。One of his pieces was awarded Merit in the Biannual Art Exhibition.

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两会之间,每位股东都会收到每年两次的总结报告。In between the meetings, each stockholder receives biannual reports.

国际大体联是两年一度的大运会的领导机构。The FISU is the supporting organization of the biannual Universiades.

全国公共英语等级考试是一个一年两次的考试,每年在三月和九月举行。The PETS is the biannual examinations which are held in March and September.

该机场在伦敦以西,不到两小时的车程,是英国双年航空展的举办地。The airfield, less than an hour's drive west of London, is home to Britain's biannual airshow.

最近,我们支持了伦敦成功申办该联盟两年一次的大会。More recently, we supported the successful bid to bring the federation's biannual conference to London.

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我们的校医推荐一年看两次牙医,今年我正准备去看第二次。Our school doctor recommends biannual visit to the dentist, I am going to the dentist's for the second time this year.

取而代之的是,公司停止运营半天,开始了首度一年两次的清理工作,要求将所有的文件柜进行彻底的清理和归拢。Instead, we decided to stop the company for half a day and hold the First Biannual Semco File Inspection and Clean-out.

促进交通发展增加了低价格房屋的销售。每年两次的北京房展被认为是中国房地产业的风向标。The biannual Beijing housing fair is often considered a trend-setter for the real estate industry's performance in China.

至于入网新能源的支付资金可以均摊到所有电力客户身上并且每半年应该进行一次调整。The cost of feed-in payments would then be redistributed to all utility customers and readjusted in a biannual review process.

这是一个CMS的网站,它可以被用来管理学生考勤表,每月,每半年和年度检验报告。This is a CMS based website and it can be used to manage student attendance sheet, their monthly, biannual and annual test reports.

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每隔一两年就应该评估你的业主保险,租赁保险及车险的成本和额度。Evaluating the costs and amounts of your homeowners’, renters’ and auto insurance policies should be an annual or biannual exercise.

这份最新的UFI半年行业调查于2017年1月完成,包括来自54个国家的240家公司的数据。This latest edition of UFI's biannual industry survey was concluded in January 2017 and includes data from 240 companies in 54 countries.

在穆齐和博洛尼亚在合同上存在分歧,穆齐要求得到一份两年的合同,而博洛尼亚只愿意提供一份一年的合同。The point of conflict between the two parties is that Muzzi insists on a biannual contract while Bologna have offered a one year contract.

每半年度总结所有上榜歌曲之积分,选出半年度20首金曲,全年度共有40首金曲入榜。Every half-yearly summarizes all the integral, and select list songs, entire annual golden biannual 20 first in 40 first hit into the list.

中国天津国家超级计算机中心的天河一号计算机,在两年一度的世界500强超级计算机名中位列第五。Its Tianhe-1 computer, housed at the National Super Computer Center in Tianjin was ranked fifth on the biannual Top 500 supercomputer list.

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他们计划在一份科学期刊上刊登报告,同时还将在19日于中国深圳举行的世界癌症大会上公布。Authors plan to publish it in ascientific journal and to present it Thursday at the biannual meeting of theWorld Cancer Congress in Shenzen, China.

美国财政部将于4月15日发布一份阐述汇率问题的半年度报告,财政部有可能在报告中将中国列为汇率操纵国。The Treasury is due to issue a biannual report laying out its currency concerns on April 15, in which it could label China as a currency manipulator.

像一年两次或多年生的植物以及像高粱、柳树以及各种杂交灌木作为一种可选的化石燃料都广受欢迎。Plants such as biannual or perennial grass, and shrubs like sorghum, willow and miscanthus, have been hailed as a biomass alternative to fossil fuels.