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我们是一家五金冲压件厂。We are a metal stamping factory.

我们是一家五金冲压件厂。We are a factory specialized in metal stamping.

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是一家专业生产各类冷冲压模具的股份有限公司。It Is a professional manufacturer of cold stamping die.

烫印压力、温度、速度均可调。Adjustable hot stamping pressure, temperature and speed.

本机为四柱式结构,由下向上压形式。Adopting 4- punger type, stamping from the lower upward.

有各种冲压、焊接设备共84台。JLAP has various kinds of stamping and welding equipments.

这面土墙是夯土版筑而成。The wall was built by stamping earth between board frames.

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她交叉双臂望着我们,一面顿着脚。And she crossed her arms, glaring at us and stamping her foot.

使用热可塑形式,海绵和泡沫冲压材料。Use heat-moldable forms, sponges, and foam stamping materials.

时间戳服务证书盖的时间戳无效。The timestamp service certificate is not valid for time stamping.

所有机型现在都配备了全可调的模压头。All machines now incorporate a fully adjustable die stamping head.

我纵身一跳,将小筏子踩到了水中。I sprang to my feet, and leaped, stamping the coracle under water.

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他把钞票扔到地上,又踏上一只脚,并且用脚碾它。After his voice, he put down the note, stamping and grinding on it.

比如我们要设计组成防撞垫的冲压机。Say we wanted to design the stamping presses that make our fenders.

有冲压产品的相关经知识与经验。Hhave the knowledge of the relevant stamping production technologies.

阐述特种电机端罩冲压工艺方案。Stamping process plan of end shield for special motor was introduced.

拥有注塑机,冲压机等机械设备20多台。Molding injection, stamping equipment has more than 20 machinery, etc.

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克莱恩说这是安息日记号的神治国度戳印功能。Kline speaks of this as the Sabbath sign's theocratic stamping function.

我丈夫曾跟他们说`请告诉我,拒签我们的理由是什么?My husband said to them, 'Please, what's the reason you are stamping us?

板料冷冲压加工是机械加工的一个重要组成部分。Sheet metal stamping coldmachining processing is an important component.