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掉鳄鱼的眼泪。Shed crocodile tears.

噢,它是一只小鳄鱼。I can see a crocodile.

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掉鳄鱼眼泪。To shed crocodile tear.

亚视鳄鱼轮胎审查。Crocodile vehicle tires review.

鳄鱼生皮制成的皮革。Leather made from crocodile skin.

你的鳄鱼眼泪骗不了谁。Your crocodile tears fool no body.

最后,鳄鱼只得放小象走。At last the crocodile had to let go.

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这个手提包是用鳄鱼皮做的。The purse is made of crocodile skin.

这个时候,我看到了一只小鳄鱼。And then I saw this little crocodile.

充其量也就是鳄鱼的眼泪。At best they are just crocodile tears.

她为他的死而假哭了一场。She shed crocodile tear over his death.

有点可怕的煮鳄鱼爪?A rather gruesome stewed crocodile claw?

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他真的是鳄鱼掉的眼泪,假慈悲。He is a really shedding crocodile tears.

这就变成了鳄鱼的眼泪!It's turned out to be a crocodile tears.

你是说她只是猫哭耗子假慈悲?You mean she was crying crocodile tears?

鳄鱼是一种形状奇特的动物。The crocodile is a strange-looking creature.

爱因斯坦,鄂鱼是更绿一些呢,还是更宽一些?Einstein, a crocodile is greener or is it wider?

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这是鳄鱼啦啦,他有大大的,露出牙齿的微笑。This is Lala Crocodile. He has a big , toothy smile.

象鳄鱼一样张开大口,尽尝英语精髓!Open your mouth and devour English like a crocodile !

保护,检查,生存,野生动物,线索,鳄鱼。Protect, checkups, survive, wildlife, clue, crocodile.