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什么是颜色分阶?What is Color Grading?

他的评级便显得不再那么困难了“His grading was not hard."

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老师们正在给卷子打分数。The teachers are grading the papers.

卡刚教授的评级十分严苛“Professor Kagan is harsh with grading."

成绩的事儿我们就说到这So that's how the grading will be done.

这次考试采用百分制。The test uses a percentage grading system.

伯克利的评分系统是怎样的?How does the grading system work at Berkeley?

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我们就是这样做的,打分没有余地。That's the way we do it, no grading on a curve.

我并不会亲自给你们的论文评分。Because I won't actually be grading your papers.

法国的葡萄酒分级制度是最严谨的。French wine grading system is the most rigorous.

老师给我们的试卷打分时很公正。Our teacher is evenhanded when grading our papers.

评分便更加困难,通常更为主观。Grading is more difficult and often more subjective.

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考级并没有我想象的那么苦,那么累。Grading Test is not my imagination a hard one, so tired.

我们的老师以给学生评分公平著称。Our teacher is known for her fairness in grading pupils.

矿石中银的配分随着标高变化呈递变现象。The partition of silver in ores shows grading with level.

无休止地划分等级,然后把数据输入到电子表格里。the endless grading and inputting data into spreadsheets,

第一印象和晕光效应在体育技评中起某些作用。The first impression and holo effect in motor skill grading.

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那位教师花了整个周末给孩子们的试卷打分数。The teacher spent all weekend grading the children's papers.

如果您的工作划分到位的话,这些等级也许早就已经存在了。These levels may already exist if you have job grading in place.

当为其他同学报告打分数时,请给正确的分数。When grading other students' papers, give only the correct grade.