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我甚至并不认为这是一种讨厌女人的态度。I don’t even think I’d call it misogynist.

我觉得他是个厌恶女人的人并且完全情绪失控。I believe he is a misogynist and completely out of control.

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在某些人的眼里,他仍然是个无可救药的厌恶女性者。He is still, in the eyes of some, an irredeemable misogynist.

女权主义竞选者认为,这些小便池在宣扬男性至上、歧视女性的观点。Women's rights campaigners described the urinals as sexist and misogynist.

俺怎么也没有感觉惨,只觉得痛快!那个垃圾斜交群体该得的报应,活该!I don't feel any pity, I only feel joy! That bunch of misogynist trash deserve to die!

邦德是一个厌女者,喜欢畅饮马丁尼和杀人,随后就此开玩笑。Bond is a misogynist who likes swilling martinis and killing people and then telling jokes about it.

现在,在首都一片岐视女性的背景下,这块儿专属于女性的自由舒适的“绿洲--女性花园”,正经历着重生。Now this oasis of freedom for women, surrounded by the misogynist desert of the capital city, is undergoing a rebirth.

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我写过关于狄更斯、霍桑的论文,我还得重读霍桑,再一次激起了我对他那老派敌视女性的哗众取宠的仇恨。I wrote about Dickens and Hawthorne, having to re-read the latter and discovering anew my hatred for his old-school misogynist claptrap.

尽管很多年轻人将其视为一个文化偶像,并且盛赞她的自由论观点,但是厌恶女人的人也经常在网络上诋毁、反对她。While many younger people saw her as a cultural icon and hailed her liberal views, she was also subjected to frequent misogynist abuse online.

文化原因!基督教崇尚男女间要互相尊重,然而别的厌恶女人的文化和宗教看不起女人,把女人当成财产。Culture matters! Christians are raised to treat men and women with respect! However other misogynist culture and religion looks down and treats women like possession!

对于女性来说从2009年乔治博士遭谋杀到近期反女人士山姆当州长,德克斯斯州从一个糟糕的地方迅速变成了地狱。Kansas went from being a pretty bad place to be a woman to a hellhole rapidly, between the murder of Dr. George Tiller in 2009 and the recent election of devout misogynist Sam Brownback as governor.