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班机晚点了。The airliner is late.

两架战斗机掠过那架客机。Two fighters buzzed the airliner.

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大型客机在云层上面飞行。The airliner flew above the clouds.

每架民航飞机就含有180吨铝板。Each airliner contains 180 tonnes of it.

驾驶员将客机安全降落在备降机场上。The pilot landed the airliner in evening.

这架客机在蒙蒙细雨中降落。The airliner landed amidst the drizzling rain.

飞机着陆时断成两截并起火燃烧。The airliner broke in two upon impact and burst into flames.

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你可以在台北的公共汽车上拉着吊带站着,但在飞机上你做不到。You cannot strap hang in an airliner as you can on a taipei bus.

旅客们被引导走过跑道去上飞机。The passengers were shepherded across the tarmac to the airliner.

1987年,韩国指控朝鲜用炸弹攻击韩国一架大型客机。In 1987, the North was accused of bombing a South Korean airliner.

这个在航机编号「666」的客机举行的演唱会结局会如何?This in aircraft Numbers "666" of the airliner concert, how would end?

一个持有英国护照的人试图用藏在鞋里的炸弹炸一架客机。A British passport holder tried to blow up an airliner with a bomb in his shoe.

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业内人士预测中国的航空事业将会在未来20年内飞速呈四倍速度增长。Industry insiders predict China's airliner fleet will quadruple over the next 20 years.

最后,中国开始配备一架波音737-800客机当作一架AWACS飞机。Eventually, the Chinese began outfitting a Boeing 737-800 airliner as an AWACS aircraft.

欧盟航空巨头空中巴士也将其客机家族的新成员带到了展览会。And EU aviation giant Airbus also brought new members of its airliner family to the show.

英国“协和”超音速飞机作从布里斯托尔至费尔福德的处女航。The British supersonic airliner Concorde made its maiden flight, from Bristol to Fairford.

刚果一架飞机在东部城市基桑加尼坠毁,造成至少46人死亡。Congolese airliner has crashed in the eastern city of Kisangani, killing at least 46 people.

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美国人说他们掌握了有关偏航导弹击落图-154客机的证据。American officials said they had evidence that a stray missile brought down the Tu-154 airliner.

最大的飞机制造商波音公司曾经建造了一款携带130,000磅飞行燃油的飞机。The biggest airliner Boeing has ever built left Paine Field carrying 130,000 pounds of jet fuel.

巴西驻费尔南多·迪·诺伦哈岛的空军一直在寻找失踪客机。Brazilian air force planes on the island of Fernando de Noronha have been searching for the airliner.