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那是天使加百利。It was the angel Gabriel.

加百利生活在多米尼加共和国。Gabriel lives in the Dominican Republic.

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加百利和他父母有一大难题。Gabriel and his parents have a big problem.

我是加布里埃尔·加门迪亚,瓦妮莎的男朋友。I'm Gabriel Garmendia, Vanessa's boyfriend.

盖布瑞尔吃吃的笑著并回以挥手再见的手势。Gabriel giggled and waved bye-bye back to him.

但是在大门后边盖伯瑞尔也正在看着。But behind the gate Gabriel Oak was watching too.

盖伯瑞尔失望地把目光移开,默不作声。Gabriel looked hopelessly away and did not reply.

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盖伯瑞尔不再爱她,使她感到深受伤害。She was deeply hurt that Gabriel no longer loved her.

他让盖伯瑞尔看那个装着情人卡的信封。He showed Gabriel the envelope containing the valentine.

盖伯瑞尔在回考根家的路上,遇到了伯德伍德。On his way back to Coggan's house, Gabriel met Boldwood.

加布里埃尔是另外一回事,根本就不会影响我们。Gabriel is another thing, and it has nothing to do with us.

天使加百利向马利亚宣告了什么“好消息”?" What "good news" does the angel Gabriel announce to Mary?

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加百利是你们正在约请的“充足是真正的充足”的生命。Gabriel is the being you call on when "enough is truly enough."

几天后的一个晚上,盖伯瑞尔去找他的女主人。One evening a few days later, Gabriel went to find his mis-tress.

他正在考虑夏季转会时让其走人,给巴塞罗那的加布里埃尔·米利托腾位置。And he's considering a summer move for Barcelona's Gabriel Milito.

盖伯瑞尔卖掉了他所有的农具,为的是付他买羊所欠的钱。Gabriel sold all his farm tools to pay what he owed for the sheep.

这正是盖布里埃尔•戈尔德所偏好的,而且他愿意为此付款。That is what Gabriel Gold prefers, and he is willing to pay for it.

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1673年,肖尼族武士俘获一位名叫加百利。阿瑟的年轻人。In 1673, Shawnee warriors captured a young man named Gabriel Arthur.

除了哈里和加布里埃尔俩人,没别人知道他俩为什么分手。Nobody except the parties involved know why Halle and Gabriel split.

撒加利亚吓坏了,但是加百列马上使他安静下来。Zacharias was terrified, but Gabriel quickly tried to calm him down.