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五天后顺利出院。He was discharged uneventfully five days later.

这位警探的后半夜倒是平安无事。The rest of the detective's night passed uneventfully.

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所有病例拔管后伤口愈合好。Wound heals uneventfully soon after pulling off the cannulate.

病患复原良好、无任何后遣症。Clinical recovery was good and patient lived uneventfully thereafter.

第二天中午之前,抵达了阿尔山,最初的旅程平安无事。The initial deployment ended uneventfully at Arshaan just before noon the next day.

她的血糖只是稍低一点,试验最终平安完成。Her blood sugar eventually dips only a little and the test is completed uneventfully.

英珠是个单纯善良的女孩子,她在政府机构工作。Young-ju is a naive girl who works in the district office passing her time uneventfully.

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结果手术全部成功,无中转开放手术。Results All the operations were completed uneventfully without conversions to open surgery.

胃浆膜下血肿穿刺引流治疗,病人恢复顺利。The gastric subserosal hematoma was treated with percutaneous drainage and the patient recovered uneventfully.

去年,为防范索马里海盗,首次部署了071型两栖运输舰,不过护航行动平平淡淡地过去了。Last year, the first deployment of the Type 071 amphibious transport vessel to anti-piracy duties off Somalia passed uneventfully.

由于基因、环境和心理因素的相互作用,有些人接触毒品之后可以丝毫不受其影响。Who can experiment uneventfully with drugs and who will be undone by them results from a complex interplay of genes, environment and psychology.

我无法再次忍受达菲的副作用,那天夜里除了几次迷迷糊糊的上厕所和湿透的床单,相对来说还算安稳。I couldn’t face another run-in with the Tamiflu, so the night passed relatively uneventfully between dizzying trips to the bathroom and sweat-soaked sheets.

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未发现咬合错乱、骨折延迟愈合和手术造成神经或牙齿损伤等并发症。The results indicated that all fractures healed uneventfully. No malocclusion, delayed union, injury of the nerves or teeth due to the procedure were found.

后来工作人员告知门外有闭路电视,吓得她半死,幸好安然无事离开。Afterward the staff informed the wrong side of the door to have the closed circuit television, frightened her half dead, left safely and uneventfully luckily.

那天晚上一开头,就像别的晚上一样,本来是平静无事的,娜娜倒好了迈克尔的洗澡水,然后驮着他过去。It had begun so uneventfully , so precisely like a hundred other evenings, with Nana putting on the water for Michael's bath and carrying him to it on her back.

由于无法排除恶性病变的可能,病人接受手术切除肿瘤,病理检查证实是神经节神经瘤。Since the possibility of malignancy can't be rule out, a laparoscopic adrenalectomy was performed uneventfully , and pathological findings proved to be a ganglioneuroma.

全国跳水锦标赛结束,新一届国家队集训即将开始,但围绕中国跳水的问题却似乎并未“风平浪静”。The national diving championship tournament ended, the new session of national sports team training soon started, but revolved the Chinese diving the question actually as if not " uneventfully ".