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这女孩看上去有点蔫。The girl seems droopy.

我如何能让我的眼睛看起来不那么下垂?。How can I make my eyes look less droopy?

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我如何能使我的眼睛看起来不那么下垂?。How can J make my eyes look less droopy ?

叶子可以成为下垂和向下挂。Leaves can become droopy and hang downward.

叶子会枯萎下垂,还会变黄。Leaves can become droopy and hang downward. They can also turn yellow.

包括100日移动平均在内的移动平均值指标也显示市场会继续下跌。The moving averages, including the 100 day, are looking droopy to say the least.

即使先输了两局,中国队员也没有失去信心,放弃,不像巴西那样!Even with 2 games down, China never had that slouchy , droopy look like Brazil did.

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有效抑制橘皮现象,对下垂松弛的肌肤具有收敛、紧实、更新清爽之功效。Effectively restrains droopy skin, contracts, firms up and reshapes loose and droopy skin.

色斑、皱纹、皮肤下垂、橘子皮皮肤以及毛细血管破裂。Signs can include dark spots, wrinkles, droopy and leathery skin and broken blood vessels.

她长得真像她父亲加缪,尤其是她眼周嘴角上分明的缱绻和悲伤。She looked like Camus to me, particularly the droopy sad intensity round the eyes and mouth.

快速深层护理肌肤松弛迹象,紧实肌肤,令皱纹、细纹不再明显,肌肤平滑更显年轻。Quickly firm droopy skin, obviously relieve wrinkles and fine lines, and make skin smooth and young.

但是这些人里并不包括那些爱穿超短裙,爱把裤子跨跨的堆在屁股上,和爱穿紧身吊带衫的人们。These do not necessarily include people who wear extremely short skirts, droopy jeans, or minuscule tank tops.

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含有SE复合物,能促使真皮机能和细胞活力,防止肌肤松驰,令肌肤柔滑而丰润。Contain SE compound, promote cuticle function and activate cells, protect skin from droopy and make skin supple and rich.

但是这些人里并不包括那些爱穿超短裙,爱把裤子跨跨的堆在屁股上,和爱穿紧身吊带衫的人们。当然。These do not necessarily include people who wear extremely short skirts, droopy jeans, or minuscule tank tops. Lady Gaga is not included either.

一定要是到困的时候才睡觉。是困,而不仅仅是累。困是指你的眼皮都睁不开,昏昏沉沉的都搞不明白别人在跟你说些什么。Hit the Sheets Only When Sleepy. No, not just tired. Sleepy, as in your eyes are droopy and you keep losing track of what people are saying to you.

仅仅修短衣服的下摆和袖子是远远不够的,领口、口袋、袖孔都还是太大,肘弯处太低,后摆也是耷拉着的。Simply shortening a suit's hems and sleeves can leave the collar too broad, the pockets oversized, the armholes gargantuan, the elbow curves too low and the rear droopy.

亲和性复合物,能够形成薄膜,保护皮肤,增加肌肤的紧致及弹性,使松弛的肌肤回复年轻状态。沉浸在天然橄榄油的浸浴中,提高睡眠质量。Effectively compound can form membrane to protect skin, strengthen skin firmness, recover droopy skin to young state, and promote sleep when skin enjoys natural olive oil.

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虽然后备箱很大,但后盖较小,使得大物件很难甚至不可能装卸,在实用性方面令人失望。Its short, sloping rear end looks droopy and, in a letdown for practicality, a small trunk lid makes loading large items difficult or impossible even though the trunk itself is huge.

图片中的这个人看起来是个秃顶的中年男人,只穿了一条脏兮兮的三角底裤,手臂像僵尸一样直直地伸着正在纽约街头梦游。The image features what appears to be a balding middle-aged man, wearing only a dingy pair of droopy Y-fronts, sleepwalking with arms outstretched, zombie-like, through the streets of New York.