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高空乘骑。Riding High.

高心去吧!High heart go!

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高的颧骨。Cheekbones high.

鹰飞得高。Eagles fly high.

旋片式真空泵油。High vacuum oil.

防疫堤防几丈高?How high a dyke?

啊,中学。Ahh, high school.

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求的就是“高”字。Demand is "high".


这能以高价出卖。It can sell high.

你太好高鹜远了。You aim too high.

高甘油三酯。High triglycerides.

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高高地飞在天空上面。High up in the sky.

我发着高烧。I had a high fever.

很高的调频啊That's pretty high.

谁是高危险群?Who's at high risk?

你方价格高。Your price is high.

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鸟儿能飞得高。A bird can fly high.

高速度低担搁。High speed low drag.

它能跑到多高的地方How high does it go?