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里面有红枣和枸杞子。It has jujube and medlar.

枣糕,橙子,苹果。Jujube cake, orange, apple.

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枣树姑娘,好好休息吧!Jujube girl, a good rest bar!

不久,枣树的叶子长大了。Soon, jujube leaves grown up.

黄骅冬枣。It is the Huanghua winter jujube.

而枣树下是很凉爽的。The jujube tree is very cool under.

看完了冬枣林。Having seen this winter jujube grove.

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干荔枝、干大枣各7枚。Dry litchi, dry jujube each 7 rockets.

枣树为我们立下了“送暖功”。Jujube for us set the "send warm Gong."

院里种了几棵枣树。There are some jujube trees in the courtyard.

酸枣加白糖,安眠大帮忙。Sugared wild jujube brings people sound sleep.

那个院子里有几棵枣树。There are some jujube trees in that courtyard.

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金丝小枣每年十月下旬成熟。Watkins jujube mature in late October each year.

一枝侧枝长出许多小又酸的枣子。A sucker from the jujube yields tiny sour fruits.

枣调和气血,润燥。Jujube reconcile Qi blood and moistening dryness.

枣树又闭上眼睛准备过冬了。Jujube also close your eyes to prepare the winter.

这些果树中,我最喜欢的还是家乡的枣树。These fruit trees, my favorite is still home jujube.

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第二天,海天给了乐儿几个酸枣。The next day, the sea gave both some zizyphus jujube.

乌木指板、枣木零件、金属拉线板。Ebony fingerboard, jujube wood parts, metal tailpiece.

什么杏树,桃树,梨树,枣树,到处都是。What apricot, peach, pear, jujube trees are everywhere.