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他动不动就生点小病。He's prone to minor ailments.

同样容易肿大和感染。Also prone to swelling and infection.

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环氧丙烯酸酯会逐渐黄变。Epoxy acrylates are prone to yellowing.

攻瑰容易患真菌病。Roses are very prone to fungal disease.

本周易发生事故。This is an accident prone week for you.

一些领域腐败现象易发多发。and some areas are prone to corruption.

民勤地区是中国沙尘暴发生年频次最高的地区。The Minqin region is prone to dust storm.

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或者就说乔·拜登总是容易出丑?Or that Joe Biden's prone to making gaffes?

拉拉容易出现哪些健康问题?What health problems are Labradors prone to?

他俯卧在长榻上,睡得正香。He was lying prone on the couch, fast asleep.

而过于敏感,就容易产生误会。The over-sensitive, prone to misunderstanding.

比起骄傲你更多倾向于无价值感。You are more prone to unworthiness than pride.

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比比皆是的木镶板很易弯曲变形。The abundant wood paneling is prone to warping.

更有甚者,阿拉木图是地震城市。On top of this, Almaty was prone to earthquakes.

趴在大木桌上开始写字。Lie prone on large wooden table started to write.

安装沐浴房时容易产生哪些问题?When installing shower room prone to what issues?

白鼬特别容易受到流感病毒的袭击。Ferrets are especially prone to influenza viruses.

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有些人往往作出轻率的结论。Some people are prone to jump to hasty conclusions.

尽可能的使用有支撑物的卧姿射击位置。Use the prone supported position whenever possible.

人类很喜欢自欺吗?Are human beings especially prone to self-deception?