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那时的我,只是天真地将责任推卸给老师。In my naivete , I blamed this on my teachers.

我们由此可以看出他是一个非常天真的人。In which case, we can alsoaccusehim of naivete.

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吴邪一边为他削着苹果一边答道。Naivete answered with an apple pared for Kylin.

黛安娜是一个很滑稽的混合物天真和智慧。Diana was a funny mixture of naivete and smarts.

从此我天真地想法开始终结。This was the beginning of the end of my naiveté.

这种学校教育中有着一种美丽的天真。There is a beautiful naiveté to that school lesson.

吴邪永远都不会知道张起灵有多么依赖他。Naivete will never know how dependent Kylin is on him.

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在政治问题上他表现的极为幼稚,真令人担心。He demonstrated a worrying naiveté on political issues.

他觉得这位青年军官那种天真烂漫的忠心耿耿非常可爱。He finds the naivete of the young officer very engaging.

他觉得这位青年军官那种天真烂漫的忠心耿耿非?砂?。He finds the naivete of the young officer very engaging.

她代表纯洁、天真无邪、而且可能未经世故。She represents purity , innocence, and, in all likelihood, naivete.

确定没有危险之后,闷油瓶才同意让他家小天真进入墓室。Affirming that no risk was around, Kylin allowed his Naivete to go to the vault.

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每当一些公司破产的时候,许多人就暴露出其金融菜鸟的本质。The evidence of financial naiveté shows up every time some company goes belly up.

走出桎梏,一身的轻盈与自由,释放着纯真的热情。Be light-footed and free without the shackle, you can feel the passion of naivete.

他把天真质朴的奇怪品质同锐利的机智和老练的世故结合了起来。He combined curious qualities of naivete with incisive wit and worldly sophistication.

在我的天真-我与和平的使者的概念,我们在天堂世界。In my naivete — I sided with the peace-makers with the notion that we were heaven bound.

对于一种道德的偏见的率真,恐怕我依旧还没有足够清楚地证实。I am afraid that I still haven't clearly enough demonstrated the naïveté of a moral bias.

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没有任何预警,吴邪一打开门就被推倒在了床上。Without any warning, Naivete was pushed down to the bed the moment he opened their bedroom.

卡利利职责奥巴马政府的在和伊朗政府打交道的过程中的天真和背叛。Kahlili accused the Obama administration of naivete and betrayal for seeking to engage Iran.

他在其他特工身上也看到过她这样的天真,他们虽然意识到这危险,却很简单地忽略它们。He’d seen naïveté like hers before in agents who, though aware of risks, simply ignored them.