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劳动创造世界。Labour creates the world.

他靠正当的劳动生活。He lives by honest labour.

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你的付出会得到回报的。It repays your labour well.

她靠正当的劳动生活。She lives by honest labour.

别拿琐事烦我。Don't labour me with trifles.

对你来说体力劳动最具教化力。Labour humanizes to you well.

工党领袖菲尔。哥夫表示同意。Labour leader Phil Goff agreed.

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与劳动相对应的事玩耍。The opposite to labour is play.

是劳动创造了世界。It is labour that creates the world.

一切知识起源于劳动。All knowledge originates from labour.

劳动权是一项基本人权。Labour rights are basic human rights.

你得雇用熟练工人。You need to hire some skilled labour.

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在班级进行一次劳动竞赛活动。In the class on a labour competitions.

登记手续,并到劳动保障行政部门办理变更备案手续。Labour and Social Security department.

第二章侧重于对劳动权及其法律保护的论述。Part two focuses on the labour rights.

干薪金那么低的打字工作等于做苦工。Typing at that salary is slave labour.

劳动常常是愿望的父亲。Labour is ofter the father of pleasure.

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他们瓦解了工人运动。They disintegrated the labour movement.

劳动了一整天,他饭吃得特别香。A good day's labour got his appetite up.

劳动合同1份盖公章。Labour contract with company stamp on it.