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因此,小示波图示波测定法是对经典示波测定法的一个重要的补充和发展。A small oscillogram and a new method of oscillographic determination based on it were pre- sented.

首次拍摄到我国激光聚变上发射的中子信号波形照片。The oscillogram photographs of the neutrons from laser-produced plasma were taken for the first time.

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得出了正常人和血管病患者PDWVW信号及其速度波信号的典型波形图。Typical oscillogram of PDWVW information and speed wave were gained from normal and vascular patients.

并通过激励高斯白噪声仿真得到海洋混响的输出波形图。Finally, the marine reverberation output oscillogram is obtained through exciting the white gauss noise.

文中报道了以示波图形突变来确定银量法的终点。In this paper, the terminal of silver coulometry is ascertained according to the sudden change of the pattern of oscillogram.

用于示波图中背景和噪音的扣除及定量测试,获得满意的结果。These methods are applied to deduction of background and noise on oscillogram as well as analytical determination with satisfactory results.

通过测量19-22岁男、女生右正中神经传导速度的正常值,得出34份复合肌肉动作电位波形图。Surveys 19-22 years old male, the female student right median nerve speed normal value. Obtains 34 compound muscle action potential oscillogram.

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介绍了可控电抗器晶闸管导通角的微机控制及应注意的问题,并给出了试验结果和波形。Microcomputer control of thyristor conduction angle in controllable reactor and the matter to be noted are introduced. Experimental results and oscillogram are given.

用北京阳宸公司的VS-99语音工作站对录制的鸣声进行了声谱分析并绘制出鸣声的语谱图。By analyzing the recorded stridulation in the VS-99 pronunciation work-station, in the Yangchen Company in Beijing, we drew the Oscillogram and Broad Band Spectrogram.

探讨了试验结果上网文件的制作方法,着重讨论了示波图文件格式自动转换和构造试验报表上网文件的方法。The method how to make web page of experimental result was introduced. The approach of auto-converting oscillogram file format and making web page of test report was studied in detail.

提出采用交流示波极谱法连续测定铜锡合金电镀液中铜锡的含量。Alternating oscillopolarography was promoted to continuously detect the copper and tin content in Cu-Sn alloy electroplating bath with the appearance of the TPB cut in oscillogram as end point.

示波测定就是利用示波图上切口深度或峰高进行微量乃至于痕量物质直接或间接测定的方法。Oscillographic chronopotentiometric determination is a kind of direct or indirect determination method for microanalysis or trace analysis based on the incision depth or peak height on oscillogram.