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浮选操作法用于佛罗里达磷矿和科拉磷矿。Flotation is used for Florida and Kola rock.

磨矿,脱泥,浮选条件等。Milling, de-sliming, flotation conditions, etc.

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CMC水溶液增粘后用作浮游选矿等。CMC aqueous solution viscosity for flotation etc.

就这样,他穿着这套漂浮装备,骑上马去。He rode the horse while inside the flotation device.

你的椅垫可以拿来当作浮具使用。Your seat cushion can be used as a flotation device.

不合身的个人漂浮装置可能无法提供预期的漂浮救生效果。An ill-fitting PFD may not provide the expected flotation benefits.

硫氨酯是硫化矿石的优良浮选捕收剂。Thionocarbamates are excellent flotation collectors for sulfide ore.

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浮圈是用来当浮标,指示降落海上的太空舱。Flotation collars are used to buoy space capsules that land in the SEA.

漂浮套管用于使降落于海面的航天舱浮于海面。Flotation collars are used to buoy space capsules that land in the sea.

结果表明,它们对氟碳铈矿均具有良好的浮选选择性。The conclusion proved that, both of them have good flotation selectivity.

演练戴紧防毒面具和固定安全背心。Rehearse the moves of tightening an air mask and securing a flotation vest.

经过煅烧的天然碱可以在浮选作业中代替纯碱使用。The calcined trona can replace soda ash for use in the flotation operation.

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因此,本文进行了低品位重晶石的浮选特性研究。Therefore, the paper studies the flotation characteristic of Low-grade barite.

本文阐述了包头磁选铁精矿的反浮选脱氟工艺。This paper describes the technique for removing fluorine by reverse flotation.

因此,经微电解中和处理的出水运用于选矿工艺是完全可行的。The flotation index of the treated water was similar to that of the pure water.

采用共凝聚气浮破乳吸附法处理乳化废液。Waste emulsion was treated by method of co-coagulation flotation and adsorption.

参与这项研究的科学家们研究了浮选设备测量采集的海洋上层700米的温度记录。gathered by flotation devices that take measurements of the top 700m ofthe ocean.

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介绍浮选机矿浆液位控制系统及其工业试验过程。Expounds liquid level control system of flotation machine and its industrial test.

同时捕收剂DAA具有很强的起泡性,为泡沫浮选提供了先决条件。In addition, DAA has very strong foamability which is helpful for froth flotation.

作为制造增塑剂,浮选剂等之中间体。As a chemical intermediate in the production of plasticisers, flotation agents etc.