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一群拜金女……A 1 ton gold nugget.

他像一吨重的砖块一样沉下去!He sank like a ton of bricks!

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唐伯虎,不要枉费我们的一番心血。Ton Pak Fu, don't let us down.

即使是40吨重的安通娜12型货机也一样。Even 40 ton Atona 12 cargo plane.

酿酒人的妻子不愁酒没酒喝。A brewer's wife may drink of a ton.

每吨货物平均运程?。Average Transport Distance Per Ton?

他们喝茶时放大量的糖。They drink tea with a ton of sugar!

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舞蹈动作招来了一场大笑。The dance emote got a ton of laughs.

突然,答案像砖头一样砸醒了我。Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

这家公司不断地投入成吨的现金。The company throws off a ton of cash.

他们每周消耗半吨煤。They use half a ton of coal every week.

1公吨约等于1.1吨。A metric ton is equal to about 1.1 tons.

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想不想每天都身带名贵沉重的Tiffany?Want to wear a ton of Tiffany every day?

女人的鼻子能告诉她关于你的很多信息。A woman's nose tells her a ton about you.

瑞典鞭挞金属乐队2吨的“捕食者”。Swedish thrash metal band 2 Ton Predator.

这卡车的最大载重量是一吨。The maximum load of the lorry is one ton.

这块钢板的重量是一吨。The weight of this steel plate is one ton.

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也有很多加入的方式。and there's a ton of ways to get involved.

此外,航油价格每吨上涨320元。Also, jet fuel price rises 320 yuan per ton.

推土铲是液压的,它能产生3吨的推力。The plow is hydraulic. It has a 3 ton capacity.