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我想叫巨熊吧。I think is Giant Bear.

心宿二即是一颗巨星。Antares is a giant star.

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莫札特是位音乐伟人。Mozart is a music giant.

谁是那位小巨人?Who Is the Little Giant?

一次人数巨多的接吻纪事。Call it a giant kiss-off.

我给她画了一张大嘴。I gave her a giant mouth.

封印巨大念力土偶!!Seal the Giant Nendoll! !

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用空中文字表达。Giant words in skywriting.

看起来象是一颗巨大的蛋。It looks like a giant egg.

那是一颗巨型豆茎!It was a giant beanstalk !

巨浪使沙滩覆盖了泡沫。Giant waves froth the sand.

哇,好大的一只乌龟呀。Wow, what a giant tortoise.

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我的孩子想一睹巨人的丰采。My kid wants to see a giant.

高盛是一头大肥猪。Goldman Sachs is a giant pig.

巨大野芥菜处处。Giant wild mustards all around.

那里面是一个巨大的土块。Inside is this giant dirt clod.

羽坛史无前例,后无来者的时代巨人。Lin Dan, the giant of this era.

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奥利安是位身材高大的猎手。Orion Orion was a giant hunter.

看到近期的那个巨大的峰值了吗?See that giant peak at the end?

真。大巨人传说!The Great Khali vs Giant Silva!