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阿尔及尔的礼拜日是最为不详。Algiers Sundays are among the most sinister.

阿尔及尔,夏天把人生的起点和终点展现给了我们。Summer betrays these beginnings and ends to us in Algiers.

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死后其子哈桑·巴夏继承了他在阿尔及尔的统治。After his death, his son, Hasan Pacha succeeded him in Algiers.

在阿尔及尔,没有人说“去游泳吧”,他们只会“尽情地畅游一番”。In Algiers no one says "go for a swim, " but rather "indulge in a swim."

养老院在马朗戈,离阿尔及尔八十公里。The Home for Aged Persons is at Marengo , some fifty miles from Algiers.

春假一个由岩石在阿尔及尔卡斯巴学生3月29日足球比赛。A soccer game by students on spring vacation rocks the Casbah in Algiers March 29.

2001年,阿政府出台了禁止在阿尔及尔游行的法令。In 2001, the Argentine government issued a decree prohibiting demonstrations in Algiers.

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在830年被法国占领前,阿尔及尔统治者的正式称号。Used formerly as the title of the governor of Algiers before the French conquest in 830.

冲突发生在阿尔及利亚北部距首都阿尔及尔大约180公里的城镇阿克布。Conflict in northern Algeria, about 180 kilometers from the capital town of Algiers A Kebu.

在阿尔及尔,没人说“游泳去”,而是说“溺泳去”,含义很清楚。In Algiers no one says “go for a swim, ” but rather “indulge in a swim.” The implications are clear.

阿尔及尔会议为11月在马里首都巴马科举行的一个更大型的部长级会议做了准备。The Algiers meeting was in preparation for a larger ministerial conference this November in Bamako, Mali.

当日,特尼亚的一座警察局遭自杀式汽车炸弹袭击,警察局及周围建筑受损,目前已造成两人死亡、23人受伤。A car bomb attack on a police station killed two people and wounded 23 in a town east of Algiers on Tuesday.

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几个黑人还象先前一样挥舞着铁锹往炉膛里添煤,哼着小曲,细杆哈查德就曾在阿尔及尔渡口当过水手。The same Negroes plied the shovel and sang.Old Big Slim Hazard had once worked on the Algiers ferry as a deck hand.

在今年「莫使乾地沙漠化」的口号下,阿尔及尔被指定为活动举办的「世界环保首都」。Algiers was designated as the "World Enivronmental Capital" for celebrations under the slogan "Don't Desert Drylands".

若想了解大自然如何慷慨大度的赐予,大概人必须要在阿尔及尔住上一段时间才行。Probably one has to live in Algiers for some time in order to realize how paralyzing an excess of nature's bounty can be.

或许人们必须在阿尔及尔住上一段时间,才能知道大自然过度慷慨的馈赠可以怎样地麻醉灵性。Probably one has to live in Algiers for some time in order to realize how paralyzing an excess of nature’s bounty can be.

2010年7月21日,阿尔及利亚总统布特弗利卡在阿尔及尔会见到访的中国国务委员戴秉国。On July 21, 2010, Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika met with visiting Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguo in Algiers.

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国务院外交安全部门在那两名妇女联系美国驻阿尔及利亚大使馆时,开始着手调查此案。The state department's diplomatic security branch began investigating after the women approached the US embassy in Algiers.

这些组织与欧萨玛·本拉登网络有牵连,涉嫌去年在阿尔及尔的一系列死亡炸弹袭击事件。This group, linked to Osama bin Laden's network, is suspected of conducting a series of deadly bombings in Algiers last year.

2001年6月,阿东北部卡比利亚地区乡村委员会协调小组在首都阿尔及尔组织游行。June 2001, A Kabylia region northeast of the village council coordination group organized demonstrations in the capital Algiers.