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谁是平均股东在这方面的坚定?Who is the average stockholder in this firm?

贵公司的主要股东是ABC公司。Yes, the main stockholder is ABC Corporation.

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一个人想要成为股东的话,不必很富有。A person does not have to be wealthy to be a stockholder.

反映每个股东所拥有的股份数的记录。A record showing the number of shares owned by each stockholder.

两会之间,每位股东都会收到每年两次的总结报告。In between the meetings, each stockholder receives biannual reports.

一个股东所需要承担的最大损失就是他/她对公司的投资额度。The most a stockholder can lose is theamount he or she has invested.

我们唯一的最大的股东是一个信托所,它为本公司雇员持有股票。Our largest single stockholder is a trust which holds stock for company employees.

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目前集团是宁夏银行和石嘴山市商业银行的股东。Now the Company is the stockholder of Ningxia Bank and Commercial Bank of Shizuishan.

公司在年度股东大会上造册公示最终投票结果前,股东可以撤回委托。A stockholder may revoke a proxy at time before the company tabulates the final vote at its annual meeting.

股东财富最大化,价格稍微低一些限制性的,因为它并不需要市场效率。Stockholder wealth maximization is slightly less restrictive, since it does not require that markets be efficient.

之间的区别是什麽股票价格的最大化,公司价值最大化和股东财富的最大化?What is the difference between stock price maximization, firm value maximization and stockholder wealth maximization?

信托证书是指规定债券发行人和债权人权利和义务的文件,对它进行分析也是评级机构的评级内容之一。It is of great significance whether the object of stockholder voting power trust is share or share-based voting power.

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到时,宁波市政府也将持有一定的股份,但是,宝钢将依然是股份的最大持有者。By then, stockholders would also include the Ningbo municipal government, but Baosteel would still be the largest stockholder.

因为股利不应计,股东一般是在收到股利支票时才将其确认为收入。Since dividends do not accrue, they are generally not recognized by the stockholder AS revenue until the dividend check arrives.

本文研究的主题是国有投资公司作为股东,如何对派到控股、参股公司的兼职董事进行激励。This paper studies how to motivate the part-time directors appointed by the state-owned investment corporation as a stockholder.

但他建议,作为第一步,发展中国家应该放宽股东和债权人提出诉讼的法律规定。However, as a first step he recommends that developing countries liberalize the rules governing stockholder and lender litigation.

综合来看,华夏银行高价定向增发折射出了大股东信心的信号。The synthesis, the China bank high price direction detection issues additionally refracts the major stockholder confidence signal.

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股东会作为公司权力机关,已名不符实,发生了本质变异。Stockholder member congress as corporate authority departments had varied in its essence, there are some causes for such a situation.

从其经济实质和特性出发,“或有股东权益”的观点是对经理人股票期权最合适的确认。" Depending on the economic essence and speciality, the standpoint of "contingent stockholder"s equity" may be the best affirmance of ESO.

排在订户名单首位的是大仓喜八郎,他是北海道煤矿的主要股份持有人,他总投入了9.9万股。At the top of the subscriber's list was Okura Kihachiro, a principal stockholder in the Hokkaido Colliery, who put in a bid for all 99,000 shares.