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一个无畏虽然失去了一条腿,但是也不会摧毁。Whilst the loss of a leg will not destroy a Dreadnought.

星界巨舰兽不会说话或者与人沟通。An astral dreadnought does not speak or otherwise communicate.

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星界巨舰兽猎杀着星界的生物,撕裂他们的身体,然后将他们大口吞下。The astral dreadnought hunts astral bodies, tearing them apart, then swallowing them whole.

如果只能有一艘船,就算玩家人手一艘无畏舰,一些表面上的平衡还是能维持下去的。With only one ship , some semblence of balance is maintained, even if the player has a dreadnought.

在战场上,星际陆战队员会奋不顾身地为修复一台受损或者保护被毁的无畏而战斗。Spaces Marines will fight remorselessly to recovery a damaged or destroyed Dreadnought from the battlefield.

驱逐舰们要比轻型巡洋舰矢矧号和大和号更加敏捷,也最难攻击。The destroyers, more nimble than the light cruiser Yahagi and the dreadnought Yamato, were the hardest to hit.

一只星界巨舰兽看起来象是一个巨大的风暴巨人,它全身上下都覆盖着带有尖刺的厚实皮层。An astral dreadnought is as large as a strom giant, covered from head to tail in layers of thick, spiked plates.

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这次攻击失败了,并且似乎丝毫无损的无畏舰通过传送门逃向方舟。This attempt failed, and it appeared the Dreadnought survived unscathed, escaping through the Portal to the Ark.

“执行者号”是新一代巨型战舰的第一艘,“执行者级”星际无畏舰即以它来命名。The Executor was the first of a new generation of immense warships, lending its name to the Executor-class Star Dreadnought.

计划是建造两艘航母,一艘26型全球战斗舰,一艘无畏级和一艘机敏级潜艇,以及一艘巡逻艇。It was building two aircraft carriers, a Type 26 global combat ship, Dreadnought and Astute class submarines, and patrol vessels.

失去一台无畏会对一个战团的战斗力造成严重的打击,他的既往将被整个战团的成员怀念。The loss of a single Dreadnought is a grievous blow to a Chapter's fighting strength, and its passing will be mourened throughout the Chapter.

星界巨舰兽不会说话或者与人沟通。它简单的将猎物消化后,便继续在星界位面继续它那无声的巡游。An astral dreadnought does not speak or otherwise communicate. It simply consumes its prey, then continues its silent patrol 0of the Astral Plane.

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所有的星际陆战队战团都在使用无畏,甚至恶魔审判庭的精英—灰骑士也将他们的英雄供奉在无畏里。Dreadnought are utilised by all Space Marine Chapters, even the elite, daemon-hunting Grey Knights have their own heroes enshrined in Dreadnought armour.

在佛默斯·皮埃特上将发自无畏级星舰“执行者”号的指挥下,帝国舰队对叛军发动进攻并企图毕其功于一役。Under the command of Admiral Firmus Piett from the Star Dreadnought Executor, the Imperial fleet engaged the Rebels in an effort to annihilate them once and for all.

此时,凡托玛空间里,沃尔夫和SDF-3上的随行人员驾驶着盗来的穿梭艇,依照朗博士先前的协助,迅速接近那艘停锚中的无畏舰。In Fantomaspace, meanwhile, the pirated shuttle carrying Wolff and company from the SDF-3 was closing fast on the anchored dreadnought Lang had been instrumental in procuring.