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毁灭之球的法力消耗从20提高到25。Orb of Annihilation mana cost increased to 25 from 20.

公司曾经借贷给她,最后她被公司辞退。This company has to be given credit for her ultimate annihilation.

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假如机器出故障,就把开关关掉。Turn off the about-face if annihilation goes wrong with the apparatus.

而军事上的歼灭战,也是方法之一。In the military sphere war of annihilation is of course one of the means.

全面的核子战争能导致人类的灭绝。A full-scale nuclear war could lead to the annihilation of the human race.

短笛大魔王宣布了他一个区接一个区毁灭整个世界的计划。King Piccolo has declared annihilation of the world, one sector at a time.

它们的相互湮灭会转化为纯粹的能量而毁灭世界吗?Will the mutual annihilation and conversion to pure energy destroy the world?

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中间还有些插曲,就是部队的同志着急,总想打个把歼灭战。Incidentally, some comrades were eager to fight a few battles of annihilation.

又哪有雷锋灭顶之苦,夫妻分别之痛。How can they suffer complete annihilation of Lei Feng, the couple were the pain.

肉体的判断不亚于思想的判断,而肉体会因畏惧而逃避被湮灭的厄运。The body's judgment is as good as the mind's and the body shrinks from annihilation.

为了敌对势力而选择同归于尽的可怕场景,如一盆冰水扑灭了好战的热火。The prospect of mutual annihilation for the rival powers chilled bellicose passions.

新型的对撞机必须提供电子-正电子湮灭的准确测量结果。The new collider has to provide exact measurements of electron-positron annihilation.

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涅槃绝对没有自我消灭的意思,因为没有自我可以消灭。Nirvana is definitely no annihilation of self, because there is no self to annihilate.

正因为人性本善,所以人随时随地都可以放下屠刀、立地成佛。That is basically good, people can at any time annihilation and abjectness good deeds.

它们在太阳中的湮灭将产生高能的,从地球上可测的中微子。Their annihilation in the Sun would produce energetic neutrinos detectable from Earth.

我意愿转换在我祖先、能量场和形体内的湮灭之思想形态。I intend to transmute the thought-form of annihilation in my ancestry , field and form.

可曾记得,说过的情话,有过的承诺,就这样头也不回的在时光的隧道里,湮灭。Remember, say words, had a commitment, so do not return in the time tunnel, annihilation.

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亚历克斯。费格斯称,这次曼联七破龙门的胜利是他20年职业生涯中最伟大的。ALEX FERGUSON hailed this seven-goal Euro annihilation as the greatest in his 20-year reign.

有一些祖先之所以粉碎,是因为逆转了能量场极性的核毁灭或核试验的缘故。Some were shattered due to nuclear annihilation or testing that reverse polarized the field.

提出正电子素光磁湮没模型以解释实验事实。A photomagnetic positronium annihilation model was proposed to explain the experimental facts.