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缩小你的梦想!Downsize your dreams!

裁员是否道德"而是"公司怎样做使得裁员更为人道?" but "How can companies downsize ethically?

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每次我们搬家都要减少一部分家用,而我就做怕这个。We tend to "downsize" each time we move, and I always dread the process.

看来唯一的出路是减少一些慈善项目和精简我们的机构。Seems the only way out is to cut some programs and downsize our organization.

此外,三洋电机还在裁减其亏损中的芯片及家用电器生产部门。It is also planning to downsize its loss-making chip and home appliance divisions.

据说公司要裁员了,大家全都人心惶惶。It is said that the company is going to downsize staff, everyone is feeling anxious.

它可以是你的房子,你的车,你的衣服-无论是什么,缩减你能缩减的地方。It might be your house, your car, your clothes – whatever it is, downsize where you can.

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减少土豆、意大利面、米跟多糖多脂的食物分量,多吃水果跟蔬菜。Downsize potatoes, pasta, rice and fatty and sugary foods, and super size fruit and vegetables.

这次处置也提醒人们,花旗集团在缩减规模的过程中仍有多少工作要做。The disposal also is a reminder of how much work remains for Citigroup as it tries to downsize.

但如果确实离婚了,你要注意自己的生活方式将不可与当伍兹夫人时同日而语。But if you do get divorced, be aware you are going to have to downsize your lifestyle from your days as Mrs.

这套房子的现房主于1973年花了3.5万美元买下这处住宅,如今房主希望将其缩小为一套公寓。The current owners bought the house for 35, 000 dollars in 1973 and are looking to downsize to a condominium.

当我们决定搬进小点的房子时,就需要扔掉一些用不上的“宝贝”。When we decided to downsize our home we took the opportunity to get rid of some "treasures" we no longer needed.

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因工作地点变动需要搬迁,需要住小一点房子,需要邀请别人来我家小住,这些我都可以很容易地办到。If I need to move for a job, downsize my house, or invite others into my home for a stay, I can do so fairly easily.

正如大多数专家所认同,如果裁员行动继续下去,或许真正的问题不在?If, as most experts agree, downsizing is here to stay, perhaps the real question is not, "Is it ethical to downsize?

因为咀嚼工具变小的演化趋势可以用食性的变化解释,而天择裁减脑量的理由就费思量了。After all, a shift in diet could explain the reduced chewing apparatus, but why would selection downsize intelligence?

就在这些千年宝宝入学并开始他们生活的新阶段的时候,我和丈夫决定节俭。About the time the millennium babies started school and started a new stage of their life, my husband and I decided to downsize.

而要建立和完善这一新体系,对于未来路政管理工作而言,必须减员增效。In order to set up and improve this system, we must downsize staffs and improve efficiency in our future highway management work.

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我知道在微软的网站上有一个软件,可以把照片缩小和放大。可以去下载。I know a software which can downsize your picture in size. If you want it, please download it from microsoft. Com. It is a free software.

在像美国人换一个巨大的数学后房地产半身像,至少在小角落出现的房产市场办得正红火。As Americans downsize in the after math of a colossal real estate bust, at least on tiny corner of the housing market appears to be thriving.

其次,在取消了超导对撞机计划和冷战结束后,大学和政府在物理上开始慢慢缩小经费.。Second, after the cancellation of the SSC and the end of the Cold War, universities and government began to slowly downsize the funding for physics.