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第一类型与第二类型稻胚都具有二型子叶。Both types of rice embryos have dimorphic cotyledons.

脑缺血结局在许多实验模型中表现出了性别差异。Outcome from cerebral ischemia is sexually dimorphic in many experimental models.

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根田鼠犁鼻器、副嗅球结构亦存在性二型现象。Accessory olfactory bulb and vomeronasal organ of root vole is sexually dimorphic.

具两态型的一类植物是短花柱和长雄蕊,另外一类是长花柱和短雄蕊。The dimorphic type has one form with a short style and long stamens and the other with a long style and short stamens.

作者从稻胚发育的研究中确认稻胚具二型子叶,并非单子叶。Based on studies of rice embryo development we confirmed that rice embryo has two dimorphic cotyledons rather than just one cotyledon.

剑旗鱼之成长与性成熟在雌雄间具有显著差异,然而在过去有关北太平洋剑旗鱼之资源评估研究均忽略此一重要因子。Swordfish are sexually dimorphic . However, previous assessments of the status of swordfish in the North Pacific Ocean have ignored this.

首先,研究结果表明滇丁香长花柱型单态居群起源于西部邻近的二态居群。Firstly, our results indicated that the monomorphic populations of L. pinceana were originated from adjacent western dimorphic populations.

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比较两个物种形态上和行为上的差异,并讨论性别上同种二形的特性可能演化的方法和原理。Compare the physical and behavioral differences of the two species, and discuss how and why the sexually dimorphic characteristics might have evolved.

白念珠菌的形态转换能力是其致病性最重要的决定因素之一,这种形态变化受各种外界刺激和细胞内信号转导途径的调控。The ability of dimorphic transition is one of the most determinants of Candida albicans for its pathogenicity, which is regulated by several signal transduction pathways.

动物实验表明,雄激素对大脑性别差异的发育,以及对维持两性行为和认知的差异都非常重要。In many animal species, sex hormones have been shown to be essential for sexual differentiation of the brain during development and for maintaining sexually dimorphic behavior throughout life.