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新疆贝母属植物分类研究。A taxonomic study of Fritillaria from Xinjiang.

东北蕨类植物的分类研究。A taxonomic study on pteridophytes in N. E. China.

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中国马钱科分类系统的研究。A study on the taxonomic system of Chinese Loganiaceae.

淡竹叶属的综合分类研究初报。A synthetic taxonomic study on genus Lophatherum Brongn.

关于苔草属寸草组的分类学讨论。A taxonomic discussion on genus Carex L. sect. Boernera.

广东山榄科植物分类的初步研究。A preliminary taxonomic study on Sapotaceae in Guangdong.

新疆阿魏属及其相近属间的分类学研究。The taxonomic studies on Xinjiang Ferula and its close genera.

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中国紫金牛属新种和分类上的更动。New species and taxonomic changes in Ardisia Swartz from China.

兰靛果忍冬的果实解剖及其分类意义。Fruit anatomy of Lonicera edulis and its taxonomic significance.

安息香科的花粉形态研究及其在分类上的意义。Pollen morphology of Styracaceae and its taxonomic significance.

在分类学和生态学上,这些生物多种多样。The taxonomic and ecological diversity of these organisms is large.

一组相互关系紧密的不同属植物构成的一个分类级别。Tribe A taxonomic rank consisting of a group of closely related genera.

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宏观进化在物种的层面之上,研究分类种群的变化。Macroevolution studies how taxonomic groups above the level ofspecies change.

记录了我国瓦螨分类分布的研究进展。The advancing of taxonomic research about Varroa mites in China was narrated.

巨演化研究物种以上层次的生物群变化。Macroevolution studies how taxonomic groups above the level of species change.

用以指示同层级的同一分类学分类单元的两个或多个名称的每一个。Each of two or more names of the same rank used to denote the same taxonomic taxon.

因此,开展此类昆虫的分类研究有着重要的经济意义。The present thesis is a taxonomic study on the subfamily Lepidosaphinae from China.

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讨论了几种菟丝子侵染薇甘菊的发现及其分类鉴定特征。Finally, authors discussed the taxonomic identification of three species of Cuscuta.

对小唇泥蜂亚科的分类研究现状进行了总结。The current situation of taxonomic research on Larrinae is summarized in this paper.

RAPD标记可为石斛属植物的系统分类研究提供分子生物学依据。The RAPD markers can provide the basis for taxonomic researches of Dendrobium plants.