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你使用排气扇吗?Exhaust fan do you use?

注意那个大的排气孔。Note the large exhaust vent.

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热交换器、排水管。Heat exchanger, exhaust pipe.

排气管塞住了。The exhaust pipe was blocked.

这车有双排气管。The car has dual exhaust pipes.

安装排气管支撑物。Install the exhaust pipe support.

汽车排汽系统用管。Pipes for Motorcar Exhaust System.

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排气阀座整新。The exhaust valve seats skimmed up.

“这里通风良好,完全满足需要,”厂方总经理K.K.拉梅申称,“没有必要安装排气系统。”"No exhaust system is needed here."

开机自动排气功能。Boot automatically exhaust function.

这家工厂拥有一套先进的排气装置。The factory has an advanced exhaust.

手机也会排放废气以及煤化物。It's lead, engine exhaust and coal form.

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从下行管拆卸排气隔热罩。Remove exhaust heat shield from down pipe.

把排气阀固定在它的开启位置。Lock the exhaust valve inits open position.

把排气阀固定在它开启的位置。Lock the exhaust valve in its open position.

这些住院费耗掉了我大部分积蓄。The hospital fare exhaust most of my saving.

冷却器的排气应由端盖上的排泄螺塞孔进行。Exhaust through the exhaust bolt of the cover.

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机械类送风冷却、排气。Ventilation, cooling and exhaust of machinery.

汽车通过排气管排放废气。Gases from an automobile exhaust through a pipe.

克娄巴特拉和发言用尽所有的谈话。Speak to Cleopatra and exhaust all conversation.