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我是去点燃一场革命的。I'm going to foment revolution.

他的言词终于引发了她的敌意。His word finally foment her hostility.

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那些叛乱者知道真相,并且想办法来挑起革命。The rebels know the truth and seek to foment revolution.

正觉江边寺,风烟罨画然。Ching riverside temple, picture foment natural Wind and Smoke.

我们没有理由不继续促进高水平的发展。Theres no reason why we cant continue to foment high-level development.

注意膝部保暖,在家可自行做湿热敷,水温在45-50摄氏度左右。Always keep the knee joint warm and foment with warm water about 45-50 degrees.

哪怕仅仅是传教劝人皈依的基督徒的出现都足以引起广泛的仇恨。Even the appearance of proselytising Christianity is enough to foment widespread rancour.

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煽动那些知道怎样运营这家电脑巨头的关键高管大规模出走。Foment a mass exodus of key executives who actually know how to run the giant computer company.

但是,这样做是有助于推动活跃的公共讨论,还是会煽动仇恨和助长冲突?But does it contribute to robust public discussion or, instead, foment hatred and promote conflict?

没有宗教、种族意识或者意识形态分裂能够激起社会动荡和暴乱。There are no sectarian, ethnic or ideological cleavages to be exploited to foment unrest and violence.

福利不过是吸引乡下黑鬼进入城市,进而煽动他们进行“刻毒的民族战争”的手段而已。Welfare was a secret plot to attract rural blacks to cities, where they would foment “a vicious race war.”

政府看着越来越多的人参与进来,担心在新疆制造麻烦的人会利用他们煽风点火。The government, observing their growing popularity, feared that troublemakers in Xinjiang could use them to foment unrest.

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有情报表明,“知名运动分子”又回到了街头,警方断言这些人将会火上浇油。Intelligence reports suggest that "known activists" are also returning to the streets, and police claim they will foment unrest.

到1858年初,他成功组建起一支由暴动者组成的小型“部队”,目标是在黑奴中煽动起义。By early 1858, he had succeeded in enlisting a small "army" of insurrectionists whose mission was to foment rebellion among the slaves.

1933年美国经济学家艾文费希尔首先提出债务通缩的概念,它是由价格下跌和高杠杆相互作用所产生的致命结果。A deadly mix of falling prices and high leverage could foment a "debt-deflation" of the type first described by Irving Fisher, an American economist, in 1933.

欧比万和阿纳金试图逮捕杜库伯爵,阻止这个分离主义运动的策划者煽动更多星系对抗共和国。Obi-Wan and Anakin attempted to intercept Count Dooku, mastermind of the Separatists, before he escaped to foment even further rebellion against the Republic.

如果我们不能有效地做到这点,我们将削弱本来就已软弱的民主力量,并给那些企图制造混乱和动荡的伊拉克人壮胆。If we fail to make that case effectively, we will weaken already tenuous democratic forces and embolden those in Iraq who seek to foment chaos and instability.

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到1858年,布朗成功拉起了一小支包含其三个儿子在内的“部队”,目标就是在奴隶中煽动起义。By early 1858 he had succeeded in enlisting a small "army" of insurrectionists, including three of his sons, whose mission was to foment rebellion among the slaves.

在斯威士兰国内并没有已知的恐怖组织或恐怖事件可能会挑起恐怖主义,也没有国际恐怖分子意欲将该国作为其目标。There are no known active domestic terrorist groups or issues likely to foment terrorism in Swaziland. Nor are international terrorists likely to harbour intent to target the country.

美国当局尝试通过签订合约在亚太地区形成一个开放透明的经济与安全合作体系,合约中确立的条款必须有中国做出回应。The administration is trying to foment a system of open and transparent economic and security cooperation in the region, defining the terms of engagement to which China has to respond.