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你得多经常去做直肠检查才行啊?How often do you need the dreaded rectal exam?

直肠壁薄而没有浆膜覆盖。The rectal wall is thin and has no serosal covering.

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直肠壁薄而没有浆膜复盖。The rectal wall is thin and has no serosal covering.

洗肠,灌肠,插入直肠栓剂。Bowel washouts, enemas, inserting rectal suppositories.

直肠的或电子的慰抚者温度被偏爱。A rectal or electronic pacifier temperature is preferred.

它实际上是直肠镜与吻合器的一种结合物。In fact, it is a combination of anastomat and rectal speculum.

直肠侧韧带内存在的神经是直肠神经丛的组成部分。The nerve in the lateral ligament was the part of rectal nerve plexus.

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咽和直肠的上皮具纹状缘。Striated border can be observed on the pharyngeal and rectal epithelium.

红肉会增加结肠癌和直肠癌的发生危险率。Red meat will increase the incidence of colon and rectal cancer risk rate.

经手术后发现直肠穿孔为气肿的原因。During surgery, a rectal perforation was found to have caused the air leak.

虽然有时会感到不适,但他从没想过自己会患上直肠癌。Although he sometimes felt unwell, he had no idea that he had rectal cancer.

超低位切除是低位直肠癌保肛手术主要术式。The wtra low resection is the major operative mode for low rectal carcinoma.

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福尼耳坏疽在直肠癌病患很少见却经常致命。Fournier's gangrene is a rare but often fatal manifestation of rectal cancer.

摘要福尼耳坏疽在直肠癌病患很少见却经常致命。Fournier's gangrene is a rare but often fatal manifestation of rectal cancer.

爱吃肉,又有向心性肥胖的人要小心直肠癌。Love to eat meat, people who have central obesity to be careful rectal cancer.

取下肛管头塑料帽,需要时可在头上涂润滑剂。A. Remove plastic cap from rectal tip, applying more lubricant to tip if needed.

直肠腔内超声为外科医生选择术式提供了可靠的依据。Endorectal ultrasound can provide a reliable basis for rectal operation planning.

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其他有价值的发现包括直肠肿瘤,血性粪便或大便潜血。Other useful findings include rectal tumor, blood stained stool, or occult blood.

EUS对新辅助治疗后的直肠癌进行再分期的准确率降低。The accuracy of EUS restaging rectal cancer after neoadjuvant therapy is decreased.

溃疡、结肠炎、吞嚥困难、胃部疾病、疝气或直肠疾病?Ulcer, colitis, difficulty swallowing, stomach problems, hernia or rectal problems?