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到处都是身着运动装的人。It's all about easy sportswear.

我们是中国的运动服式经销商。We are exporters of sportswear of China.

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运动衣制造商没有比这更好的展示橱窗了。Sportswear manufacturers have no better showcase.

看,这儿的牛仔裤和休闲服有特殊优惠。Look, here is a special offer on jeans and sportswear.

接着我们去了一家哥伦比亚运动服装店了解价格。We then went to a Columbia sportswear store to get some prices.

双铃公司主要生产休闲服和情侣服。Shuang Ling Co. , Ltd. has produce sportswear and Sweethearts outfit.

天然的纤维物质,如棉花,往往会用来做运动衫,因为它们穿起。Natural fibers, such as cotton, tend to be used in sportswear because.

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海报广告的根x道格拉斯库普兰运动服集合。Posters advertising the Roots x Douglas Coupland sportswear collection.

我司是专业的服装制造商。Which specialized in manufacture of various leisurewear and sportswear.

所以我将选择运动装色彩方向做我的论文对象。Therefore, I will choose colors sportswear direction the object of my thesis.

从运动风到庞克风,宠物服饰都能量身订做,打造完美的搭配。From sportswear to punk outfits, pet clothes can be tailored for a perfect fit.

羽毛球场使用者必须穿著鞋底不脱色之运动鞋。All users must wear proper sportswear and non-marking sport shoes in the Stadium.

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现在他的体育用品公司李宁已在中国成为了广为人知的著名企业。Now his sportswear company Li-Ning has become a widely known enterprise in China.

请问你平均每月会花费多少在购买运动用品上?。On average, How much do you spend on buying the sportswear products in each month?

泓锋国际是一家兴趣集中在服装与运动装备的投资控股公司。Grandtop is an investment holding company with interests in clothing and sportswear.

这家德国公司是2008年北京奥运会运动服装官方供应商。The German company is an official provider of sportswear for the 2008 Olympic Games.

中国销量第四大的运动服装品牌安踏是阿迪达斯的劲敌。Anta, China's fourth-largest sportswear brand by volume, is a David to Adidas's Goliath.

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参赛员须穿著白色或米色运动服装及无跟及平滑的运动鞋作赛。Players are required to wear white or cream sportswear and smooth-soled heel-less shoes.

德国汉堡一家宠物狗体育用品商店在欧洲杯期间提供了一批宠物运动服。Hamburg-based sports shop has been providing special sportswear for pets during Euro 2008.

布鲁克还做了大量的商业泳装,运动装和针织品建模。Brook has also done a large amount of commercial swimwear, sportswear and hosiery modeling.