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他们在兰斯特医学杂志上发表了他们的发现。They reported their findings in The Lancet medical journal.

报告刊登在柳叶刀肿瘤学9月号上。The report appears in the September issue of The Lancet Oncology.

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他没有联系的研究和柳叶刀在共同撰写的一篇评论。He was not linked to the study and co-authored a commentary in the Lancet.

这项研究报告刊登在周四的柳叶刀医学杂志在线版上。The findings are published on Thursday in an online edition of The Lancet medical journal.

他的饮食观念首先被发表在医学杂志柳叶刀在一九九○年。His dietary ideas were first published in the medical journal The Lancet in nineteen ninety.

柳叶刀医药日报最近刊登了一系列关于蛇咬伤防治的报道。The Lancet medical journal recently published a series of reports on snakebite prevention and treatment.

这项研究发表10月7日提前在网上发表,其印刷版将会发表在柳叶刀11月肿瘤学版块。The study appears online Oct. 7 in advance of publication in the November print issue of The Lancet Oncology.

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上周,Lancet发表了也是由Rothwell教授负责的一个更大的观察研究的联合结果。Last week, the Lancet published the combined results of a larger observational study, also led by Professor Rothwell.

关于包括放血和柳叶刀程序在内的最佳注射实践政策指南和准则已可供使用。Policy guidance and guidelines on best practices are available for all injections including phlebotomy and lancet procedures.

柳叶刀的回顾研究了一些2009年以后分布在英国医院的来健康保护局提供的NDM-1的病例。The Lancet study looked back at some of the NDM-1 cases referred to the HPA up to 2009 from hospitals scattered across the UK.

“柳叶刀”医学杂志发表文章描述,他们是怎样诊断大脑放电行为来观察意识活动的。Writing in The Lancet medical journal they describe how they measured electrical activity in the brain to detect consciousness.

其中可移动刺血针保持器和发射机构操作地连接,以用刺血针刺血目标部位。In addition, the moveable lancet holder and launching mechanism are operatively connected to lance a target site with the lancet.

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基于北京的柳叶刀杂志亚洲编辑的最近任命推进了该杂志对中国卫生的未来出版。The recent appointment of a Lancet Asia editor based in Beijing augers well for the journal's future publications on health in China.

缝合针线、手术刀片、采血针等主产品生产能力在全国名列前茅。The main products include surgical suture, surgical blade, blood lancet and ect. The productions of them are in the first grade in our country.

目的探索“周氏脐刀”和“脐孔操作镜鞘气囊”做脐孔腔镜阑尾切除术以及其它腹部手术的微创优点。Objective To investigate the advantages of the peritoneoscopic appendectomy through the umbilicus with Zhou s umbilicus lancet and trocar balloon.

著名医学杂志“柳叶刀”在一篇报道中警告,自杀率也在上升。英国剑桥大学的肯蒂克伦尼斯,是这篇报告的撰写人之一。A report in the medical journal Lancet warns of a rise in suicides. Alexander Kentikelenis of Britain's Cambridge University is one of the authors.

将发表在「刺胳针」杂志上的这项研究结果,系由英国牛津的「英国癌症研究所」研究员布瑞尔领导进行。The research result to be published on "The Lancet" is conducted and led by researcher Brayer of the Oxford-based "British Cancer Research Institution".

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拜伦起初拒绝这样做,说这世界上“死于手术刀下的人,多于死于长矛下的”,在被警告病症可能使他失去理智后,他还是屈服了。Byron resisted, saying that there had been 'more deaths by lancet than by the lance', but gave in when warned that the disease could ‘deprive him of reason'.

比尔和梅琳达盖茨基金会为这项研究提供了部分资金。该研究发表了柳叶刀医学期刊上,是一系列关于消灭疟疾的报告的一部分。The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation partly financed the research. The study appears in the Lancet medical journal in a series of reports on eliminating malaria.

柳叶刀上有报道说如果供者的血和病人的匹配很好,那么两种方法的白血病的无病生存率很相近。If the donor blood was well matched to the patient, the rate of leukemia-free surial was similar in both methods, according to the findings published in The Lancet.