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分类广告。Classified Ads.

闪击是如何分类的?How Are Strokes Classified?

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它们是按品种分类的。They are classified in sorts.

于是我被划为不宜参军的人。I was classified unfit to serve.

克伦可能会因此被认为是一个爱抱怨的人。Karen could be classified as a whiner.

分级由顺序排序分类。Etaps are classified by sequence order.

要加强分类指导。Second, strengthen classified guidance.

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钨归入金属类。Tungsten is classified among the metals.

这个零件分类成光电合嚣吗?Is this part classified as "Optocoupler"?

这个零件被归类为光耦合器?。Is this part classified as "Optocoupler" ?

所有这些工作仍是高度机密。All of this work is still highly classified.

英语被分类为日尔曼语系。English is classified as a Germanic language.

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你们从哪找来这家伙的?那是机密。Where'd you dig up this guy?That's classified.

我们认为他的小说属于文学类。We classified his novels as serious literature.

计算机可分为模拟计算机和数字计算机两种。Computers may be classified as analog and digital.

这些书已经按学科分类了。The books are classified according to the subject.

奇玛隆被视为野兽,食人妖欢呼吧。Chimaeron is classified as a beast. Trolls rejoice.

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金属可分为纯金属与合金两类。Metals can be classified as pure metals and alloys.

词汇旁边是用它分类的节点的数量。Next to the term is the number of classified nodes.

被列为一份温柔,精萃的花调香薰。Classified as a refined, gentle and floral fragrance.