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你的主菜好了,先生。Here is your entree , sir.

你想要点什么主菜呢?What would you like for your entree ?

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对克拉丽莎来说,主菜只是是个开头。For Clarissa, the entree is just the beginning.

自带你的健康主食或者开胃菜去聚会。Bring your own healthy entrée or appetizer to the party.

汤是一餐的开胃佳品。Soup can serve as a great appetizer to a meal, or as an entree.

汤除了让你感觉更饱以外还能使你在正餐时吃少一点.Plus you'll feel fuller, so you'll eat less when the entrée comes. Saves 100

烤马铃薯皮,意大利香肠,炸马铃薯片拼盘,带上幼菠菜萨拉。Entree with baked potato skin, chorizo sausage, wedges and baby spinach salad.

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即使是在不错的餐馆,我还是会为了省钱,就点份主菜,再稍点点其它的。Even at a nice restaurant, I still cut costs by ordering an entree and little else.

在第159页,主菜那章中已经对蛋白的做法进行了一些讲解和图示。Directions and illustrations for egg whites begin on page 159, in the Entree chapter.

乐尚的中午菜单中任选一款主菜和甜点只需要38元。Les 5 Sens offers a lunch menu, allowing you to choose one entree and a dessert for RMB38.

除非这道主菜的名字叫20美元钞票的鸡,否则你只是被宰了一把。Unless that entrée is called "Chicken à la 20-Dollar Bill, " you've just grossly overpaid.

如果甜品没摆出来,装甜品的银器就放在主菜盘。Dessert silverware, if not brought out with the dessert, are placed at the top of your entrée plate.

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人们不会因为虾球或其他某一道菜的价格高就点它。Putting a higher price on the shrimp or any other entree didn’t make people more likely to order it.

如果男朋友是控制狂,他可能会管你穿什么衣服,在饭店点什么开胃菜,甚至交什么朋友。Controlling boyfriends might try to choose your clothes, your entrée at a restaurant, even your friends.

我再也不必只花三分钟还洗冰水澡了,或在一家昂贵的餐馆和她分享一道开胃菜了。No longer did I have to take a three-minute ice-cold shower or share an entrée at an expensive restaurant.

像感恩节这样特殊的场合会有展示主菜的表演,这会使你的火鸡成为今年的明星。An occasion as special as Thanksgiving calls for a show-stopping entree. Make your turkey a star this year.

其它头牌还包括一个熟食、素食和亚洲食品,包括鸭、春卷。Other entrée plates include a Charcuterie a Vegetarian option and an Asian plate which includes Duck spring rolls.

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我们的薪水,头衔或者其他人为的标准让我们临时步入所谓的上流社会。Our paycheck, our title, or some other artificial yardstick gives us temporary entrée into the world of The Accepted.

在外面的餐馆用餐时,斯莱顿通常会按照自己的日常健康菜谱点一份开胃菜。When having dinner at a restaurant, Slayton does the usual diet-conscious trick of ordering an appetizer for her entrée.

如果你在餐馆点了一份餐或者才某个人家里吃饭,试着和其他人分食。If you order an entrée at a restaurant or are served a meal at someone's home, try splitting the portion with someone else.