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那瓦里小提琴有什么特别的呢?。What's so special about Stradivarius violins?

琵琶,在古代是所有弹弦乐器的总称。Lute was the general name for all Stradivarius in ancient times.

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如果斯特拉迪瓦里现在还活着的话,他或许都不能听出这个声音了吧!If Stradivarius were alive today, he might not even recognize the sound.

客观的证明史特拉第瓦里小提琴的音质,这可能吗?Is it possible to verify the tone quality of the Stradivarius objectively?

俄国一位提琴制造者揭开了,知名的史特拉第瓦里提琴的秘密。And in Russia, a violin maker has unlocked the secrets to the famous Stradivarius sound.

当你听到斯特拉迪瓦里的时候,可以确定的是你会听到很完美的很动听的声音。It's true that when you listen to a Stradivarius , you hear a perfect sound, a beautiful sound.

在修琴期间,我借过几把琴,包括一把与她相当的史特拉瓦里小提琴。In the meantime, I used borrowed violins, including a Stradivarius that came with its own security team.

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我觉得尤其是它在情感层面上是更能打动我的一个。所以我认为是斯特拉迪瓦里小提琴。I felt it was the violin that touched me more on an emotional level. So I put it down as the Stradivarius.

看着女儿被她对象接走的感觉就像是把价值百万的斯特拉迪瓦里小提琴交到了大猩猩手里。Looking at your daughter being collected by her date is just like handing a million Stradivarius to a gorilla.

现在,皮特凯恩女士在世界上最高档的音乐厅里和红色门德尔松弦乐队合作演出。Pitcairn performs in partnership with the Red Mendelssohn Stradivarius in the finest concert halls of the world.

事实上,这两个斯特拉迪瓦里的文书显示,分别是最高和最低程度的方向性的样本。In fact, the two Stradivarius instruments showed respectively the highest and the lowest degrees of directivity in the sample.

让我来猜猜。科学家应该觉得像制造“史特拉第瓦里”这样的小提琴制造者就用了来自这些生长缓慢、且木质密度高的树的木头吧!Let me guess. The scientists think that a violin maker like Stradivarius used wood from these slowly growing, denser trees to make violins.

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最大的吸引力,这个音乐会是世界著名的小提琴所谓的“斯特拉迪瓦里”和一个特殊外观歌手谁了完美的球场。The biggest attraction of this concert is the world famous violin called " Stradivarius " and a special appearance of a singer who has perfect pitch.

如果你找来三四个人并且告诉他们要听斯特拉迪瓦里,他们的期待值将会非常的高。If you take three or four people and you tell them you're going to hear a Stradivarius , they're going to be in a very exceptional listening situation.

倘若真是芒得极小期造就了史特拉底瓦里名琴无与伦比的音色,那麽未来的小提琴或许再也无法拉奏出如此美妙动人的乐音。If indeed the Maunder Minimum led to the superlative sounds of the Stradivarius instruments, then it might appear that future violins would never produce similarly dulcet tones.