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你今天超常发挥了!You outdid yourself today!

你今天超越自己了!You outdid yourself today!

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这次她可真是超水平发挥了。She really outdid herself this time.

她在赛跑和游泳方面都胜过了他。She outdid him in running and swimming.

威尔的数学比他班上的同学都还强。Will outdid all of his classmates in Math.

我知道,她这次的确超常发挥了。I know. She really outdid herself this time.

你绝不会想去体验被别人压倒的感受。You never want to feel like you've been outdid.

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请代我向她致意,那份甜点真是好吃。I'll tell her. She really outdid herself tonight.

他勤学苦练,结果超过了所有的对手。He trained very hard, and he outdid all the competitors.

每个国王都希望自己的墓穴建得最好,但是胡夫超过了所有国王。Every king wanted his tomb to be the best. But Khufu outdid them all.

她知道他比她还要辛苦,虽然他的工作是另一种性质。She knew that he outdid her, though his work was of a different order.

法国人十分得意,因为他们的运动员在自行车和击剑项目中击败了意大利人。The French were happy because their athletes outdid the Italians in cycling and fencing.

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使用声调语言的亚洲学生显示出完美的乐感,比使用诸如英语这种非声调语言的印欧语系学生具有更高的识别力,而且他们也比那些同样来自亚洲却不使用声调语言的学生做的更好。And they also outdid other musicians of Asian ancestry who did not speak a tonal language.

有这么美丽的风景相伴,我怎么能不心花怒放?But their dance outdid the sparkling waves in glee with such wonderful scenery, and how could I be sad?

实践表明,系统性能优于传统的步进电机控制器。The practice showed that the performance of this system outdid the traditional stepping motor controller.

想一想上次你在和朋友玩纸牌时获胜了,或是刷新了5公里赛跑的记录。Think back to the last time that you beat a friend at a card game or outdid your previous record in a 5K race.

研究人员称感情之事女性比男性更难释怀,而男性对工作上的遗憾则更为缅怀。But women outdid men in that category, with guys ranking work regrets above relationship ones, the researchers say.

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英国卫报报道称,此次开幕式华丽、喧闹并花费巨大,其规模已超越此前数届奥运会开幕式。British newspaper The Guardian said the show "outdid all of its predecessors in numbers, colour, noise and expense."

奥巴马在初选阶段就突出自己在民意调查中的优势很大程度上是为鼓励民主党人。The fact that Mr Obama, mostly, outdid his poll-ratings in the course of the primary race is encouraging for the Democrat.

中国已经超出了所有人的期望,中国人应该感到骄傲,即使他们的自由权被政治所束缚。Poor merry OLD England in 2012! China outdid all expectations and the people of China should be Proud despite political adversities to freedoms.